Two level staircase help

So I am working on a new battlemap for my campaign. This is the interior of a small walled castle. I am trying to create the impression of a circular staircase, a landing and then another staircase leading to a balcony encircling the Great Hall. Im not sure about this. One minute i look at what i've put together and im thinking "it's totally awesome, completely believable" the next i'm thinking "it's crap". Please, some other perspectives would be great. And any suggestions would help!!!! Maybe some columns peeking out from the balcony???


  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited June 2016
    Nothing for the eye to compae the stairs to, so it looks flat.

    You could use furniture on the balcony and smaller of the same symbols on the main floor. That will trick the eye into seeing it as a multi-level room.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited June 2016
    My eyes are playing tricks on me again. I can't work out whether the stairs are going up... or down... but that's just the way I process images, I suppose. If you will forgive me for being straight about what I think - it does seem to me that the stairs and the wall all have the same shadow on them, which makes them all look the same height, like nothing is going up or down. If the bottom steps are touching the ground, wouldn't their shadows be comparatively tiny?

    I'm confused, and speaking confused as well...

    Like JimP says, other things in the environment might provide a better reference point for automatic visual comparison.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Its the shadows.

    Some years ago I saw an opitcal illusion site. They showed two lunar craters next to each other. Viewed from one direction, they were typical craters, sunk into the surface of the Moon. Viewed from another direction, they looked like they were popped up out of the surface. All due to the shadow direction.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited June 2016
    I hope you don't mind me doing this, but I couldn't think of how better to show you what I see when I look at your picture.

    I'm hoping it will be more use than a lengthy description - and please bear in mind that the way I interpret things isn't always the same way that other people interpret them.
  • edited June 2016
    Okay, so i've made some shadow adjustments and added a dais in the Great Hall to give you an idea where the staircase is in relation to the rest of the room. Any better? I think the biggest problem in the 2nd set of steps up. They look totally flat. I will try to find another png that matches my curved set. And, i think i might need to create my own shadow on the curved stairs to give the perspective of the staircase rising. The shadow should increase as the steps get higher. Right?
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    This is better, but you are right, the higher the object, the longer the shadow, so a staircase will have a big shadow at the top, and only a very tiny one at the bottom - as much shadow as would be cast by a single step.

    Watch that shadow on the stairs just as they approach the landing. Those steps should have the same light on them as the landing, or they will always look like they are going underneath it. I think you are right about maybe having to create your own shadows. The effect shadows are good, but they don't really work in such a complex and beautiful 3D presentation.

    I really like your textures.
  • edited June 2016
    Ok, i played around with the shadows, moved a few things onto a new sheet or two. I think this is getting better with each pass. I'll keep working on this over the next couple of days after work.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited June 2016
    Sorry - had to break off. It always seems to be too late in the evening here in the UK. I guess you must be in the US or some similar set of longitudes? I was definitely flagging away by 3.30 am. I would say that the only thing that looks slightly wrong with the stairs any more is the change in tone between the top of the stairs and the landing. Since you can't very well make the landing any darker, is there any way you can tone down that dark bit at the top of the curving stairs (by that I mean lighten it). The top stair on both sides should really be quite similar to the landing in shade, since they are both only about 8 inches (umm... 20 cm?) lower than the landing. If you can imagine that all the flat bits of all the stairs and the landing should all be exactly the same tone, because they are all level planes, maybe that will help a bit?

    This version is the best yet, but maybe its time to start putting anything else in the room that you intend to be there... because now that the shadows are working their way towards 'normal', and no longer distracting me from the rest of the picture, I'm getting this weird Asperger's thing with patterns again, and even though other people would never see it (even if I pointed it out to them), I'm getting a big smiley face, with the stairs as the amazingly manic smile! (I'm sorry).
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    I'm thinking in pictures again. Its so much easier than words (maybe I should have been a painter, and not a writer).

    I wanted you to see the kind of mess I get into with shadows on stairs, by making a proper idiot of myself and trying to generate a better looking set of stairs. lol

    I haven't finished working things out with the shadows on the stairs even, never mind drawn the rest of it, but I have to go and see my mum just now, and will be back later.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited June 2016
    Here is a slightly better version. I realise now that you were intending the stairs to be the same texture as the landing and the balcony. No matter. I think because you have instinctively chosen textures that are the same tone (the same grey if you were to take a black and white photo), the image I have made still shows what I mean about the stairs in general.

    No matter what you do with the shadows cast by the stairs as a whole, it is the shadows on the stairs themselves that are giving you a headache. (They certainly gave me one when I was trying to work it out). The shadows on the original generate an illusion such that the middle of the stairs seems humped up. The top of the stairs needs to be lighter.

    It has taken me a couple of hours to generate this image, because my ancient copy of CorelDraw hates Windows 10 (or vice versa - probably both), and keeps ceasing up at the first hint of a feathered shadow. If you have a more modern vector graphics package you could probably do this in just a few minutes.

    I don't have access to the same texture file as the one you used, for either floor, so I made one up that was similar to the ground floor. With the actual texture file at your disposal you could put any texture you like on the steps. If you are interested I will see what I can do about the banister rail, just to finish it off a bit.

    I could upload the file for you, but I would need to know what to save it as so that you could open it and use it to generate your own staircase bitmaps.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    I'm afraid I've been rather rude and gone ahead and more or less finished the curved stairway before you've even had chance to say "Yeah" or "Nay".

    It became something of a minor obsession in the end.

    If you are interested in having the vector file (which is rather large) I will need an email address to send it to - you can whisper me if you want.

    OR - if you want the staircase but don't have the software to sort out the vectors yourself, if you send me the texture you want I will send you back a finished png of the staircase.

    If you decide you would like it, but want the whole set, I can do that for you easily enough. I've done all the difficult bits already.

    If you don't like it - don't want it, or whatever, just say 'no thanks' :)
  • oooohhh this is fantastic! Ok, you have taken this to another level :) The original sets stairs i used i were just png images of steps i found at i think. I stretched them out, mirrored and manipulated them and created the handrail. And i thought THAT was a technological advancement. This??? I just can't. It's awesome!!! Thank you.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    I had a LOT of fun doing it :)

    If you want the file let me know what format you want it in, and an address to send it to (whisper me that part unless you want the world to know your address). We're talking about the vector file here. I can save as Paintshop, and other variations. Let me know what you want.

    If you want the bitmap completed, I need the texture file to make it the right colour for you, and a copy of the original bitmap you used so I can make everything the right resolution and size.
  • I have a bit of a two cent suggestion, if you are interested... and this might be something that Sue can help you with.

    I'm loving everything you have so far.. but I have one small issue of my own with the stairs. I promise, it's just a little one!

    The stairs that lead from the landing to the balcony, I'm sorry, but they continue to look like an extention of the balcony to me... and I think I even know why. When you are looking from the balcony down the stairs... the perception should be of those stairs narrowing as they head to the landing, and they should be equal width of the landing.

    But your stairs stay the same width. This tends to make them look flat, because there isn't any depth to them. Now... how to fix that problem? I will admit, I have no clue... as you said, these are png symbols, and I'm not experienced enough to know how to manipulate them to make them narrower at the bottom than they are at the top. Another thing that might help... is some shading on the side. I have a new dundjini symbols now... and i've noticed some that seem to have light on the stairs, to help denote up and down... here's one
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    I should really let Lorelei comment first, but I will be doing the rest of the staircase, and you are right, this is a problem. I don't think for one moment its going to be an easy one to solve, but I tend to think these things out when I'm already working on them.

    The shadows on the curved set are actually very fake. When I tried to make them realistic (all going in the same direction away from the light source in the south) I ended up with the same problem as the original set, as the shadows got longer as the stairs swung around. I figured then that what was needed was a simple 'bean can' approach (as my old art lecturer used to say so dismissively. That is, a shadow that isn't real, but just tells you that one part is higher or lower than another. Cartoon shading... but it works a lot better than trying for realistic, believe me.

    Thanks for the ideas and the image. I feel the itch to do something about that top flight of stairs coming on :-)
  • Thanks ladies for the perspectives and help. I think i am going to try to play around with the top steps in photoshop. It's just a plain rectangle image (i created the rails). I think i'll attempt to manipulate it. AND....i am going to try to create my own with the step shade png i have as seen in the image below (the two steps up to the royal dais). Loopysue, if you would like to work on it... please do, i'll send you the bitmap fill for the marble. But please don't make a big deal or stress over it. If I was making this for the RPG adventure module I have been asked to commission, then i would really be more stressed. This however, is for my home campaign, and sadly, my players don't appreciate my maps near as much as i do, especially the details such as this! lol!
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    I'm enjoying the distraction, Lorelei, and I've almost finished the whole set anyway. I will send it to you in two parts so you can decide for yourself :-)
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited June 2016
    Here is an example of how to get the landing completely wrong by mistake! Sorry Lorelei :(

    BUT - it is also proof that you have already got the shadows on the stairway as a whole perfectly acceptable - including the slightly denser shadow beneath the landing as compared to the stairs :)

    The only thing I would suggest is that you might consider removing the shadow on the upper flight altogether, since judging by the wall shadows the light is coming directly from the south, and would only cast the shadow that lies north of the stairs. Alternatively you could put a very vague shadow under the upper flight that's the same both sides, to indicate the general lack of light under the stairs. Having the edges more vague would also indicate greater height than at the bottom of the stairs, since shadows are generally more faded and fuzzier the further they are from the object that's casting them. That's only a suggestion, however. It looks reasonably acceptable the way it is.

    Also... I do seem to have missed the shadow off the bottom stair altogether. My version now looks like it has a flat plate of marble embedded in the floor at the bottom of each stair. If you decide to salvage that part of the image I sent you, you could remedy the problem by placing a rectangular block under the foot of the stair on each side and using that to cast a shadow.
  • Thank you!!! It's lovely :) I got the email! I'll work on it tonight when i get home from work. Fantastic!
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    A pleasure.

    I feel happy... when others are happy :) :)
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    That's much better (the shadows I mean). I have noticed, however, that the transparency around the bitmap I gave you isn't as transparent as it should be, particularly around the banisters on the upper flight of stairs. I also couldn't work out the shadows on the posts, so I didn't do any. I can draw stuff, but only up to a limit. That's why I've never made it to professional.

    Even though I can easily see what needs to be done to tidy it up, my technical skill is insufficient for the task. If you haven't got the tools to do it yourself there may be others here who know exactly what I've done wrong, and can put it right for you if you lend them the bitmap.

    I'm not going to upload the staircase to the forum generally, because (apart from being really HUGE at 7-8 MB) it is, as I have just said, imperfect in many ways. Besides, since it was tailor made for the situation using textures you loaned me for the purpose, I think it really belongs to you now :)
  • I will work on the shadows tonight when i can sit down proper. And, I only took already existing images and added railings and a landing to create the impression of a staircase. You actually created one! Feel free to share the image on the forums. It would be a shame to not share it with our fellow "board members" lol. And the texture i sent you i don't mind sharing....i got it free so why shouldn't you have it to enjoy? Have at it, sister.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    You just threw the upper staircase together? Wow! I thought it was a standard graphic :)

    Thanks for the textures, Lorelei. As for the staircase, however, I haven't figured out how to shrink it to such a size that I could even upload it (lol). If anyone expresses a wish to have it, I will have a go with it. Mind you, if you can sort out the image transparency and reduce the size, there's no reason why you can't upload a better version in time - a Loopy-Lorelei production :)
  • edited June 2016
    Here are the original png's i used. Just come cut & paste, so to speak. I ended up finding the marble to "sort of" match in my cache of tile fills. An awesome collaboration, indeed! i searched i DID find one that had the lighting that LadieStorm was mentioning!
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited June 2016
    Although these are both lovely graphics in their own right, I think that now we can see them clearly most people would agree that you did a marvellous job with your original staircase with the materials available to you. The spiral stair is unbelievably dark, and even the lightest part of it is darker than the un-shadowed straight stair. You would need a reasonably versatile graphics package, like Photoshop, to be able to make them match as if they were part of the same staircase.

    Which means you are a better artist than you keep making yourself out to be ;)
  • VintyriVintyri Newcomer
    Posted By: LoreleiHere are the original png's i used.
    These are by Bogie, originally posted on the Dundjinni and Cartographers Guild forums. They are included in the new, free Bogie's Mapping Objects art pack for CC3+, which is in beta testing. Currently, our non-binding target date for release is July 7.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    I might have guessed. Like I said - they ARE lovely graphics. Its just that they don't really match with each other :)
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