An interesting Dungeon predicament

In one of my previous threads, JimP mentioned a practice of his: saving progression renderings of his maps, so that if something goes wrong or he makes a mistake that has problems later on, he can just go back to an earlier rendering, and he doesn't lose all the work he's done.

I thought it was a brilliant idea, and starting using this practice as well. I still think it's a great actually saved me a lot of extra work on my Merydyan map. Unfortunately for me it's caused an issue on my Horn &Stars Tavern map...and I haven't the faintest clue how to fix it. Granted, it's not causing any major issues, just a bit of aggravation.

My Horn &Stars Tavern is a multi floored map. Well, two floors, but still. One of the features in DD3, is the ability to toggle between floors. So somehow in saving multiple versions of the two floors, my toggles git messed up. My most updated version of my ground floor toggles to the first version of my basement, and vice versa.

As I stated's not THAT big of a deal...I'm saving them to png's, which makes that function useless anyway. But it's aggravating to toggle from the basement to the ground floor, then have to open the correct ground floor, just to check something, then toggle back to the basement onto to have to re open that map, because the one I'm looking at is the wrong one.

Would anyone have any clue how to.fix this?


  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Well, I save to multiple fcw files, not pngs. The map files are easier to edit.

    Since you have the pngs, you can import and use those as a guide to remake the map.

    Otherwise, I have no idea. Maybe Ralf or Remy can fix it.
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited June 2016
    The links to the different floors are hard-coded with the file names of the related map files. You can edit the link paths if you want, but there's an easier solution.

    First, add a version number to your first, original map, assuming you're using Jim's method of appending a version to the end of each save. You can add a zero (0) or, if your first numbered version uses a zero, add "Original" or something to the file name. Do that for each original floor map. Then, copy the current draft version of each floor map and remove the version numbers from the file names.

    Work on the un-versioned. files. When you periodically save your map with the version number at the end, immediately save it again without the number. Then continue working. Do the same for all the maps in the set. This way, you continue to always work on an un-versioned maps, which will link to the other un-versioned maps for the other floors.

    It's a little tricky because you have to remember to save twice, once with a version number, once without, but it's much less hassle than what you're dealing with now.

    Of course, you could always use other programs that are specifically designed to maintain versions of your files, but this is simple and effective.

    I hope that helps.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Or even easier, simply ignore the navigation links until your map is complete, then rename the final version to the original file names, and everything should work fine.
  • JoeyD473JoeyD473 Betatester 🖼️ 2 images Traveler
    Instead of just labeling progression files you could consider using something like git or svn which is versioning software.
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