CA3 for CC3+: First Bug?

I've installed on two PCs. The link "Click here to open the CA3 Essentials Guide" on the welcome page does not work on either machine. However, the PDF is there.


After playing a bit farther with things, the OPENDOC command doesn't seem to work at all anymore on either machine. Whether CA3 for CC3+ is the cause or the Update 6 to CC3+ is an open question. Whatever, no menu option that calls OPENDOC in CC3+ opens anything anymore on either computer.


  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    edited May 2016
    I cannot reproduce this. Anyone else seeing this problem?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited May 2016
    Yes, I've seen it on a couple of occasions. What happens in my case is that the adobe reader process actually spawns, but it just hangs in the background, never producing an actual gui (making it look like OPENDOC didn't do anything at all), and has to be closed via task manager. Until I close all instances of adobe reader, it blocks further calls 100% of the time, but after I kill all the processes, OPENDOC will sometimes work, and sometimes not (if the latter, rinse and repeat). I don't have all the data available, but I think I've only seen it under Windows 10, but I might be misremembering that.
    I don't remember exactly when I started seeing this, but it was a while ago.
  • VintyriVintyri Newcomer
    Remy's answer is pretty interesting. So are the results that I've gotten:

    For starters, both computers are running Windows 10 Professional, 64-bit.

    1) With the desktop computer (U.S. Windows version), if I kill all processes as Remy mentioned, I can open one PDF with OPENDOC, but after that, nothing (visible) happens. If I kill all processes again, I can open one PDF again, and the circle goes on.

    2) With the laptop computer (German Windows version), after a new start, the problem vanished and I can't make it return, even if I try.

    Footnote) I was using these options regularly on the desktop while testing Perspectives 3 and never had this problem. It appeared here for the first time after installing Update 6 to CC3+ and CA3 for CC3+. Unfortunately, I installed both before I opened anything, so I have no idea which of the two installations (if indeed either of them) started this problem.

    Second Footnote) If no one else reports this problem, I'd suggest that you move on and deal with more important issues. I can get along fine without menu options to open PDFs, if it's an isolated problem here.
  • I've seen this since Windows 8.1 with almost every new install of CC software. However, the CA3+ install opened the Essentials Guide without a problem
  • dragarhirdragarhir Traveler
    edited May 2016
    I don't think this is related specifically to CA3 or update 6.

    I don't have either installed and OpenDoc doesn't do anything. I also don't get any acrobat background processes either, so I can't kill them.

    I'm on Windows 10, CC3+ version 3.70

    After installing Update 6, I found that opendoc works fine with the update 4 and SS4 welcome pages, but doesn't work with the perspective welcome page.

    I can't see why it does that.

    EDIT #2:
    After installing CA, openDoc works fine for me with the CA welcome page.
  • VintyriVintyri Newcomer
    Posted By: dagorhirI don't think this is related specifically to CA3 or update 6.
    I don't either, particularly seeing that Remy Monsen noticed the problem beforehand. I've bee nplaying with this problem but not really getting anywhere with it. However, some things that I've observed might help anyone who is trying to fix this thing:

    As mentioned, the problem continues on my desktop and has vanished (so far) on my laptop.

    The PDF default on both computers was Acrobat (Full Version) 8.3.1, not Acrobat Reader.

    On the desktop, where the problem continues, I installed the current Acrobat Reader version and made it the default. The problem continued. I did the same on the laptop. The problem continues to no longer occur there.

    On the desktop, where things don't work, the Windows Task Manager shows that OPENDOC loaded Acrobat 8.3.1 (earlier) or Acrobat Reader 2015.010.20060 (now) twice. On the laptop, where the problem currently does not exist, Acrobat and Acrobat Reader load only once.

    I have other programs that have menu options to call PDFs, and they all work just fine. I just tried them to see.

    For anyone trying to solve this problem, I suspect I may have made it more confusing rather than being helpful. If so ... sorry.

    This is the kind of problem ... again ... that makes me delighted that I'm retired and don't have to program or code anymore. To those who will try to remedy this issue, good luck!

    Happy weekend,

    Mark Oliva
    The Vintyri Project (TM)
  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker
    OPENDOC is pretty much just a call to ShellExecute with the default verb registered by the viewer and SW_SHOW as how to show the window. I wonder if Acrobat was closed while minimized or if there might be a different default verb than "open" registered on some systems that might account for the different behavior. It may also be a security thing as my systems are often pretty picky about invoking arbitrary programs for arbitrary content.
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    Clicking the document links in CA3 with CC3+ and Update 6 works as expected for me on my Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit machine.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    works for me. I have Win 8.1 64-bit.
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