Many of my Bitmaps are showing up as X's

So i have no idea what happened....I use both CC3 (i love all the annuals for this version) and CC3+ back and forth often. Recently i've been finding some glitches.....a lot of my Bitmaps are all x's? Why would this happen spontaneously? i've not moved or changed anything in this program. Although it has happened both in CC3 and CC3+, but mostly CC3. I am completely 'Non-tech" so please, if anyone can help make it simple so i dont feel like my 70 yr old mom trying to use texting on her cell phone. LOL.

edited: i think its a few of the annuals. I am currently repairing and will see how that works.


  • lorelei, You say that you haven't moved anything and I believe you. However, the red x's indicate that the bitmaps aren't where the software expects them to be (or where you told it they are).

    The easy solution is to just open maps that were created with CC3 in CC3 and those created with CC3+ with CC3+. They are two different programs and look for bitmaps/symbols in different places and use different methods of locating them.

    However if you want to know the why and how, take a look at the file location of the bitmap in your fill style dialog window.

    If it looks like this in CC3+: C:\ProgramData\Profantasy\CC3Plus\Bitmaps or this in CC3 C:\Program Files (x86)\ProFantasy\CC3\Bitmaps\ it should work in both programs because these are absolute locations. CC3(+) knows exactly which folder to find them in.

    If it starts with this: #Bitmaps then it is telling the software to look for the file in the CC3 folder C:\Program Files (x86)\ProFantasy\CC3\Bitmaps. If it starts with this:@Bitmaps it is telling the software to look for the file in the CC3+ folder C:\ProgramData\Profantasy\CC3Plus\Bitmaps.

    The question comes down to, where are you telling the software to look for the bitmaps? Are those files actually there? If not, copy them there and all should be fine.
  • edited May 2016
    Well, here's the not telling it to look anywhere in particular for a bitmap, its there when i try to open a template...And i repaired my CC3 install, reinstalled the update and repaired the annual that this particular template came from.
  • And this when starting a new map in CC3 in the SS2 style. What is this? Scan? E: ? I didnt even know i had an "E:" drive? What on earth have i done????? I have no idea what the heck happened. But, i shudder to think i may have to completely remove the program and reinstall. What would that do to any of my maps? Im feeling queasy.....
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    Which annual is the first one from? I am noticing it is referencing a Cosmographer 3 fill style, which according to your toolbars, you don't have installed.
    As for the SS2 one, the 500-numbered fill styles are just a bug, they are not meant to be referenced in the template at all, so just ignore them (or delete them)
  • Not sure....whichever the Highspace Deckplan is on. 6 or 7?
  • Look in the following folder, are the files for Starfield_08 actually there?

    C:\Program Files (x86)\ProFantasy\CC3\Bitmaps\Tiles\Cosmographer
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited May 2016
    Posted By: loreleiNot sure....whichever the Highspace Deckplan is on. 6 or 7?
    The HighSpace annuals comes with references to the Cosmographer fills (So you can use them if you own Cosmographer I assume), but it doesn't include the actual fills, for those, you need to have Cos 3 installed. The annual coems with a bunch of fills of it own for you to use, but as long as you don't have Cos3 installed, you will see some missing fill styles (Like the starfield ones), this is completely normal. Just ignore them, they won't impact the map in any way (Unless you actually use them obviously)
  • ahhhh....yup, those files are not actually there. And so no, i don't own cosmographer. Well shoot. Do i really have to buy another product???? OMG my hobbies are driving me to the poorhouse :) Good thing i quit smoking and have all sorts of mad money to play with this past year!
  • I quit 2 years ago myself. How do you think I was able to save enough for these programs in the first place?!?
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    Off topic, but congrats to both of you.
  • Posted By: DogtagOff topic, but congrats to both of you.
    Thanks! I figured being a nurse for so many years it was high time i adapted the healthy lifestyle i was advocating!
  • I have folders under CC3 for those maps, and folders under CC3Plus for those maps.

    But the Annuals are different, along with some items I've installed in CC3 but not in CC3Plus.

    When I open CC3Plus, I sometimes get a map loading from the CC3 folders and it shows red Xs because the files are different between them. Could this be what is happening to you ?
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