Perspectives 3 Bugs



  • Jay_NOLAJay_NOLA Traveler
    edited April 2016

    do I have to do a re-download and reinstall for the fixes that were done that you reported or will they be in the next update patch and/or build that isn't out yet of Per3.

    Also, if I do need to re-download. Do I do an uninstall and then a reinstall of Perspectives 3 or do I run a repair install instead. I'm asking cause I don't know if a repair will install files that weren't in the initial install.
    Posted By: RalfA quick update on the current state of things:

    1. Windows symbols were accidentally left out. Now added back in.
    2. Being worked on.
    3. Hyperlink fixed.
    4. Catalog settings for PERVM (Vector Mono) style were left out. Added back in.
    5. Not a bug.
    6. Can't recreate. Can someone post a more detailed example?
    7. Help files are still being worked on.
    8. Known bug. Being worked on.
  • DkarrDkarr Traveler
    edited April 2016
    Not sure if this is a CC3+ or Perspectives 3 specific.

    When creating a new fill style the Fill Style Name box shows corrupted.

    The user creates a new fill style and gives it a name. Then does a find for a bitmap. If the user click the Fill Style Name box again, before clicking OK, the box shows as gibberish names.
  • Posted By: DkarrNot sure if this is a CC3+ or Perspectives 3 specific.

    When creating a new fill style the Fill Style Name box shows corrupted.

    The user creates a new fill style and gives it a name. Then does a find for a bitmap. If the user click the Fill Style Name box again, before clicking OK, the box shows as gibberish names.
    I've had this happen a few times in CC3+, but could never pin down what caused it.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I redownloaded and did a repair. I couldn't find any windows in Cos A. This would have been Tuesday evening US time.
  • Jay_NOLAJay_NOLA Traveler
    Thanks Jim.

    I did an uninstall re-download and install about 7 hours ago and didn't see the windows symbols.

    I'm guessing the fixes will be in the next update and they are trying to id and fix as many bugs as they can.
  • DkarrDkarr Traveler
    Posted By: Jay_NOLAThanks Jim.

    I did an uninstall re-download and install about 7 hours ago and didn't see the windows symbols.

    I'm guessing the fixes will be in the next update and they are trying to id and fix as many bugs as they can.
    Yes, I think that is the case.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Yes, it's a big setup and upload, buildingit takes some time. We collect fixes locally first, and will let you know when a new setup is available.

    The good news:
    - the export problem with aligned fills is fixed
    - the "draw facing walls" issue has a workaround, by disabling the alignment of top fills, which should not such big deal for the moment.
  • I added Dkarr's fill style bug to the list in the first post. (I was crazy busy yesterday and overlooked doing so.)
  • edited April 2016
    Ok, so here are a few I found when doing the tutorial on house building.

    In the manual, in "House Creation", under item 4. it says:

    Click P3B Stone House, Wood Roof.

    But in the current 3d house button there is no P3B Stone House, Wood Roof.

    Instead, there is a "Stone House, Board Roof."

    Under item 5 it says " click a point. The prompt reads Second Corner or Enter Length [prior]:"

    but after clicking a point, the prompt actually reads:
    "Second Corner or Enter Length:"

    It is missing the "[prior]" part like it says in the book.

    Item 7 should tell you to click after typing in 30, but it does not.

    It then states that "the prompt reads Wall Height:"

    But the prompt actually reads :

    "Wall Height [12,000]:"

    but not unless you clicked. If you don't ever click, (for instance, because the tutorial does not tell you to) then the prompt continues to read :

    "Second Corner or Enter Length: 30"
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited April 2016
    Posted By: tonnichiwaItem 7 should tell you to click after typing in 30, but it does not.
    That should be "hit enter", not "click". Generally, you always hit enter after entering values on the command line. Since it is an introductory tutorial, it should probably state this explicitly though. Do note that if you click, it will use the coordinates you clicked on as the value, and will ignore the 30 you typed.

    Also note that values in square brackets are default values, the values that will be used if you do not provide a valid value. Depending on the command, these are not always static, so they are difficult to type out in a tutorial, since not everyone will see the same anyway. I believe the 'prior' one you reported is definitely an error though.
  • thank you for the clarification Monsen. That will help me do the tutorial much easier as it was giving me fits. Every time I do a tutorial of any kind I try to think of it like a beginner would so that I don't make any mistakes.
  • Well, this one is simply a spelling error in the essentials guide.

    On page 19, it states:

    1. Click new , choose the map stype...
  • edited May 2016
    I think I've found a few more bugs but I'm not sure if they really are bugs or if I just don't know what I'm doing.

    Anyway, the first one is about bitmap fills. When I upload my own bitmap filesin the making houses part of perspectives 3, the bitmap fills always show upside down. If you're just using something like symetrical bricks this isn't a problem. But if you are using something like overlapping shingles it becomes a real problem.

    Next problem is that when I upload my own bitmap files the auto directional symbols for doors and windows and stuff stop doing their auto thing. They also do not "fit" themselves properly to the new bitmap. And when you click redraw, those symbols go underneath your new bitmap so you can't see the symbols. I'm pretty sure this last thing is a sheet problem but I'm not really sure which sheet they should go on.

    I guess that problem with bitmaps not going the right direction when made into a PNG also happened with this pic. But at least you can see what I mean about the upside down bitmap and the door on the house going underneath the bitmap and not aligning properly either.
  • edited May 2016
    @ Tonnichiwa,

    I've added your error report on misaligned fill styles to the top post.

    The trouble you are having with wall shearing symbols seems to be because they are set to go to the SYMBOLS WALLS* sheet, but that sheet does not exist in any of the templates. It should create the sheet automatically at the bottom of the list, so the wall symbols should end up on top all of the time. The only thing that will change this is if you have a different SYMBOLS sheet selected as current, in which case, the wall symbols will go to that sheet.

    Edited to add: It seems that user added fill styles are mirrored on the x axis for walls and floors as well as Houses. The simple work around is to mirror the original pngs. Not sure if this is a bug or just how things work. However, user added fill styles for roofs align like walls and do not align correctly for roofs
  • Thank you Shessar. So when you say I need to mirror my origional PNG's, how do I do that? The only way I've ever known to mirror something is by mirroring a symbol. Or are you talking about mirroring it somehow in Genetica?
  • Tonnichiwa, you can do this in any external art software except Genetica.. (Even Windows Paint can flip a png. Look under the Rotate command.)
  • Oh ok. Thanks for that. As you can tell, I'm not very computer saavy.
  • That's OK. It's why I always say to ask if something isn't clear. I'm lazy when it comes to writing and won't type something up unless I really need to. :)
  • DkarrDkarr Traveler
    edited May 2016
    Update 5 to CC3+ has been released (v3.71). Among other bugs it fixes the texture direction problem in Perspectives 3 (bug 2 from list).

    Get it from your registration page.
  • I've still got a bug with the roof fill styles. Basically, it turned the tiles upside down. But thank you for fixing the bug for the walls.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    In Irfanview, you can rotate a png or jpg, etc. by pressing either the 'r' key or the 'l' key. Rotate to the right or rotate to the left. And its free.
  • DkarrDkarr Traveler
    With the tiles fill for the roof there would still be an issue even if the software aligned them properly. It looks like the roofs use one continuous fill. So the tiles would appear to go correctly on one slant of the roof, and incorrectly on the other. I think the software is going to have to understand splitting the roof into 2 sections each with a downward slope in opposite directions.
  • VintyriVintyri Newcomer
    Posted By: DkarrI think the software is going to have to understand splitting the roof into 2 sections each with a downward slope in opposite directions.
    One could make four versions of the fill style...normal and rotated 90°, 180° and 270°.
  • VintyriVintyri Newcomer
    edited May 2016
    Errors in the Essentials Guide, Page 15:

    First Error:

    2 On the Edit menu, click Insert File

    "Insert File" is on the Draw menu

    Second Error:

    3 Click Dungeon.fcw in the Tutorials\Perspectives folder

    There is no folder named "Tutorials\Perspectives." There is a folder named "Tutorials\Perspectives 3." However, it contains no file named "Dungeon.fcw."

    The "Tutorials\UserManual" folder does have a file named "Dungeon.fcw," but it's a different file than that shown in the essentials PDF.
  • VintyriVintyri Newcomer
    Image Projection Bug?

    Image projection went nowhere for me. However, because I'm a Perspectives newbie, I'm not about to make a bug declaration on my own.

    However, seeing that Remy Monsen has duplicated my problem and come to the conclusion that it probably is a Perspectives 3 bug, maybe it should be added here. See the following:
  • edited May 2016
    Vintyri, I've added this to the list in the first post.
  • VintyriVintyri Newcomer
    edited May 2016
    This one is almost too rinky-dink to mention, but if corrections are to be made with Essentials, this probably should be fixed too:

    On Page 1 under "Credits" we read:

    "Character Artist 3: Simon Rogers, Mark Fulford"

    I don't know if the names are correct for PER3, but I do believe that should be "Perspectives 3" rather than "Character Artist 3."
  • VintyriVintyri Newcomer
    It appears there is yet another Essentials problem, this one more critical than the last. On Page 18:

    "Open Tutorial18.fcw."

    On my machines, this file does not exist. All that was installed were Tutorial01.FCW through Tutorial07.FCW plus Tutorial 04a.FCW.

    I hate to say it (well, maybe not), but it looks to me like someone did a really sloppy job assembling the Essentials package.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    The missing tutorial files will be in the proper release setup. We're investigating the projection issue.
  • VintyriVintyri Newcomer
    Posted By: RalfThe missing tutorial files will be in the proper release setup. We're investigating the projection issue.
    Sounds good. This is, after all, still a pre-release version. We gnomes are just trying to help you get things fixed.
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