Floor drawing problem

Full disclosure. I'm a nurse, I'm not up on all the nomenclature here, so I'm not even sure how to appropriately word my problem.
I use CC3 to draw map for my local house game, and use what are probably just the basic functions. Tonight, sitting down to draw a house, the "draw a floor" tool on the left hand tool bar, all the samples show up as a just a filled color, not the appropriate (I think bitmap?) fill. "Floor, Cobble Gray, Straight" is just some tan color. "Floor, Bricks White Stone, Straight", same.

Thoughts on what I've done wrong and preferable how to fix it?
Thank you for your help.

Laramie Wall.


  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Floors have 3 parts. Floor background and floor foreground. And the walls.

    The foreground will be on top of the background.

    So it works better to put a grid or brick as foreground and the bitmap as the background.

    top of floor
    bottom of floor
  • edited April 2016
    The blank drawtools usually happens when the proper menus aren't loaded. Try clicking the DD3 Button on the top button bar.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Make sure you have started your map on a correct template. Fill styles are referenced from the template, so if you start on a wrong type of template, and then try to use DD3's tools on it, it won't have the proper bitmap fills references, causing the problem you describe.

    Also make sure you start out using a 'DD3 Dungeon' style, and not the DDPro, CC2 or CC3 ones. The first two of these are old vector-type styles, and do use solid fills instead of bitmaps, and the latter is a limited example style for people not owning DD3. (If you don't have DD3, you may wish to use the CC3 Dungeon though).
    Obviously, if you are using SS2 or SS3 styles for your house instead of the DD3 styles, make sure to select the correct template from those instead of the DD3 ones.
  • Thank you guys.
    Monsen, yup, I was in a campaign cartographer template, and I apparently can't use dungeon designer floor bits. Which that fact itself I do find odd, but at least I can now draw.

    Again, thank you all for your time.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited April 2016
    Posted By: WookrnWhich that fact itself I do find odd, but at least I can now draw.
    This is because fill styles needs to be referenced from the template for them to be available. This is partially related to the fact that a fill style is not just an image file, but also a set of configurations (Which can vary between maps, so there is no global configuration).

    You can easily import the dungeon fill styles into any map if you really wish to use those tools. The basic procedure to do this is to use Draw->Insert file to insert a map containing the fill styles, then immediately undo. This will remove any entities inserted, but fill style definitions will remain behind.
  • You can easily import the dungeon fill styles into any map if you really wish to use those tools. The basic procedure to do this is to use Draw->Insert file to insert a map containing the fill styles, then immediately undo. This will remove any entities inserted, but fill style definitions will remain behind.

    I don't know what that means, but I might tinker with it to learn. Thanks for the heads up.. .(I won't permanently break anything that way, will I?)
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    No, it is a safe procedure, but if you wish to be certain, save your map before inserting the map with the fill styles.
  • Thanks a TON for your help. I sincerely appreciate it.
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