Questions About Bitmaps

I like the ability to use colors to create special effects through sheets such as "Glow", but is there away to use bitmaps the same way? It would be cool if you could use a desert bitmap in an "Inner Glow" to create beaches.



  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited April 2016
    While I don't know the answer to your question specifically (though I suspect it is "no"), could you get the same result by adding a "beach" terrain along the edges where you want them and then giving the "beach" sheet an edge fade effect.
  • I was thinking about that, but then you are getting really into the detail map making aspect for a Regional Map.

    In addition, the beach was just an example.

    There are several times that I wished that I could have the option to chose a bitmap versus a color palette.

    Thanks Dogtag!
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Hmmm... Interesting. I do wonder if experiments in transparency of imported pngs into CC3/CC3+ coould achive that. But I don't have the tools, nor expertise, to accomplish it.
  • I was thinking of the tutorial in the Tome of Ultimate Mapping that teaches you how to trace. I'm sure, at least for your beach, that you could probably get a landmass colored like a beach and trace your main landmass using the new beach colored land to do it. Now you have me wanting to try it both with different colored land and with a bitmap fill to see what happens.

    But I am in the Cartographer's Guild Birthday Celebration for creating my own country in whatever style I want to and it is due by the 20th so no time for experimentation for me until that map is done.

    So far the great fromage war of Cheese is on in full and I and my neighbor have created an alliance called the "Peace of Cheese". :P
  • Idea generation - very cool - lets see what else we can come up with - communication generates ideas which leads to innovation.

  • I had a thought....might work, probably not...but maybe. What if you copied your land mass in the bit map fill if hour choice, then did an edge fade? If edge fade, inner works for the outside in, wouldn't the edge fade do the opposite? Then just do the rest of your map as normal.
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