Palisade Walls In CC3+
Hi Folks
In CC3 there was a way of drawing a wooden palisade wall that you could surround a village etc with. I cant seem to find the same thing in CC3+. It may have have been in an Annual. Can anyone help please?
In CC3 there was a way of drawing a wooden palisade wall that you could surround a village etc with. I cant seem to find the same thing in CC3+. It may have have been in an Annual. Can anyone help please?
Macros Site
Note that when using older macros and scripts you might have to make some modifications to account for the way the newer software works. Test these out on a new drawing to prevent messing the one you are working on.
I miss those conversations.
It would be nice if the macro collections could be hosted on the profantasy site, if it is not already there. I haven't found it.
Found 21 discussions in these forums.
'script' and found 9.
for a battle map sized map. For mapping whole cites in a CD3B style I created a simple stake with gimp (see attached).
If you have one or more symbols, optionally organize in a randomized collection, you need nothing more than the right symbol options. With the check box "Symbol is a connecting symbol" you have an easy to go drawing tool. You can ad more options like random transformation to have more variability and thats it. Drawing a palisade is just like drawing a line. Works fine for me.