Battlemap background fill artwork

Hi All,

I'm brand new to these forums and to CC. I've picked up CC3,CD3 and DD3 and whilst they are powerful software, they are also somewhat confusing to learn how to use. I'm persisting however, I've worked my way through the video tutorials, and the essential guides. I've also subscribed to the 2008 annual. Which brings me to the topic at hand.

I'm currently designing a D&D 4th Edition campaign which I hope to get started early next year. I was wanting to create battlemaps for my group. I've download and I'm following Septembers article on battlemaps. My problem is that my adventure takes place in an arctic and I need a background fill of snow and ice. Whilst I have one for CC3 overland maps, the battlemap template uses DD3 fills, and DD3 doesn't have any winter backgrounds that I can find. I've tried copying the CC3 winter fills into the DD3 fills directory, but DD3 refuses to recognize them. Can any one help please ? Basically I need a winter landscape background fill that will work in DD3.

Many thanks



  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Just create your own.

    Select the template you use for the battlemaps.

    Go to FS, or Fill Style.

    Click on Bitmap fills. Click New. Give it a name. Then g down to FInd, and locate an ice bitmap fill. Look under Bitmaps, Tills, Overland, and you will see ice bitmap fills. Click Okay to create it, okay to save it.

    You may have to try several of them to see which ones scale well for dungeons.

    Then do a 'save as' for the template and add 'ice' somewhere in the filename.

    I hope that helps.
  • edited November 2008
    Thanks Jim that helps a lot.

    Update: Ok I must be missing something. Currently I start a new map using the battlemap template. I then go to the FS section, click new, enter in Snow and Ice, click ok, click find, find an ice bitmap. Click ok. So far so good, make sure I've selected it as the current fill, clicked redraw and unfortunately the background on the map remains the same.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Note when I first select the template, before the map is created, it only gives me a limited amount of bitmaps to use, it doesn't let me select or create any new bitmaps to make a custom background.

    Many thanks for your help and patience


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited November 2008
    Those steps only makes the ice fill available as a fill style, it doesn't automatically change anything.

    If you need to change the background bitmap to the new fill you made, just hit the "Edit Properties" button (The one with a paint can, some colors, and the number "1" on it), and click on the edge of the background fill. A dialog should pop up. Now just change the fill style to the new Ice bitmap you defined (It is probably the last entry in the fill style list).
    If the background layer is frozen, you need to unfreeze it, but at least when using the DD3 standard wizard, it isn't.
  • Thanks so much Monsen. I'll start working on a new battlemap and let you know what I've come up with :).

    Warm regardes

  • NeonKnightNeonKnight Traveler
    edited November 2008
    Over at the Dundjinni site, there is a large collection of Use Created art objects and fill that will serve you just peachy:

    The one you are looking for is the second one down:

    User Art Pack: Winter pack 01
    collected by Ecopirate
    There are covers, floors and objects in this Art Pack, all collected from the forums by Ecopirate.
    This art is free for all to use without restriction.
  • Hi NeonKnight,

    Thanks for the tip, however I've already picked up that pack and am using it with great delight. I spent some time experiment with CC3 last night, and managed to churn out two overland battlemaps for my campaign using the standard CC3 overland template. It took me a fair amount of time working out how the tile optioin in printer settings work, and also how to scale the map and grid properly. But I've done it, and I'm happy with the results.


  • 11 years later
  • MuttleyMuttley Newcomer
    Sorry for resurrecting an old thread.

    I am having this exact same issue. I'm struggling how to follow some of the instructions.
    I have downloaded that arctic pack but don't know how to integrate it into CC3. I'm trying
    to build a city. When I get to the step of selecting a fill style I get stuck...

    I can see the drop down menu, but I do not see an option to 'Click on Bitmap fills. Click New.'

    Am I missing something?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Hi Muttley,

    You are a few steps to early. You cannot do that during the creation of a new map. You need to finish setting up the map first, then you can access the fill style dialog by clicking the fill style indicator in the top left, where you can find the bitmap files tab and the new button.
  • MuttleyMuttley Newcomer
    I can't see where the fill style indicator is...
  • In the top right corner where you can see FS.solid.
    FS is Fill Style
  • MuttleyMuttley Newcomer
    Oh top right. I was looking top left. I think I've got it sorted now.

    Just need to experiment til I find the right look.

  • MuttleyMuttley Newcomer
    edited July 2020
    Ok no I tell a lie. I haven't got the hang at all. I did manage to get a background(or it looked like it).
    But then when placing buildings(symbols) they seemed to go under the background layer.

    My brain is hurting.

    [edit] I can't delete posts.
    Actually I think I have it sorted. thanks again
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    You can delete what is in a post, and then just type one word. I did it last night when half asleep, I put 'mistyped'.
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