Working with the clipboard

So I have made my map of Ehmeral, and in it I added the northern tip of Tuschana, my last continent in my world of Larysia. I wanted to show the size of the Great Tuschan Sea, which is between Ehmeral and Tuschana.

I am now ready to draw the last continental map, and I want to begin with the northern tips that's on my previous map. I keep hearing about copying to the clipboard and pasting in a new map, but I don't understand what that means in cc3+. Where is the clipboard? How do I do this?


  • Copying to the clipboard is a standard Windows command. It can be accessed either through the Edit menu Edit>Copy, or through the keyboard shortcut CTRL C. Likewise, pasting from the clipboard can be found in the Edit menu as Edit>Paste or by the keyboard shortcut CTRL V. This is the same across all Windows applications.

    There are a few differences in CC3(+). After activating the Copy command, you will need to look at the prompts on the command line.

    You will be asked to select the entitie(s) you want to copy (then Right click do it)
    You will then be asked to choose the origin of the copy. I personally just keep the default of (0,0) by hitting enter, but you can also enter other coordinates or just pick a point on you map. (The origin is the point where your copied object will hang off of the cursor crosshairs when you paste.)
    Your objects are now in the clipboard ready to be pasted into another place on the map or into a new map.
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    CC3+ (and all the add-ons) can copy things in a couple of different ways. Using the Copy button to copy entities within your map to other locations within your map is one way. Another way is the more traditional method (for Windows, anyway) of copying "to the clipboard," which makes what you copied available outside of the currently-open instance of CC3+. This lets you can paste to another map, to another instance of CC3+, or even to another application, such as a Word document.

    The quickest and easiest way to learn the difference, honestly, is to open the CC3+ online help (click Help>Help from the menu bar) and then find copy to clipboard in the Index.

  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
  • Unfortunately I don't have I ternet at home, except for my phone... But I will check that out, thanks!
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    Posted By: LadieStormUnfortunately I don't have I ternet at home, except for my phone... But I will check that out, thanks!
    If you mean for the online help, it isn't on the Internet. It's a help file installed on the computer. The "online" in the phrase "online help" simply means "on the computer," as opposed to a printed manual.
  • Okay, I found it, copied my little piece of my last continent, pasted it to the new map, resized it a bit, clicked on the land map tool to finish the continent, attached my drawing tool to the end point of my continent piece, drew out the rest of the continent to the other point of the continent piece, attached my drawing tool again...and hit a snag. I end up with either a continent drawn AROUND my piece... Or one drawn OVER my piece... Uhm... I assume I am missing what am I doing wrong? I want to connect to my little piece that form one whole, seamless continent.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Please post the fcw map file ad we will give it a look. Sounds like a sheets problem. But I could be certainly mistaken.
  • I actually found a work around.... it's a bit involved, but it worked... for the most part. What I did, was added my little piece of continent to the new map, then selected my land mass drawing tool, attached the end, and drew it around, then attached it too my opposite end, tracing the piece of my original piece. That left a line in the middle of my map I couldn't get rid of... so I erased it. That left me a a big white space in the middle of my map. I then took the land drawing tool and TRACED the land mass I just erased. It's not a perfect match, but it was just close enough that there was no problem with it.

    I then just hit the redraw, and I had my whole land mass. A bit involved, like I said... but I got what I needed.
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    I'm confused. What was it you were trying to do again, that required all of this?

  • lol... I had a piece of Tuschana on my map of Ehmeral. It's in the bottom left corner. I wanted to use that bit of land mass in my map for Tuschana, which I am currently working on, to keep my maps 'realistic' and consistant. So I was taking that top piece of Tuschana to the new map... and it was causing some problems in my new map(I probably didn't do it correctly). Anyway, Jim wanted me to upload the map showing the problem... but I was using my phone's network to post here about it, since I don't have internet at home. I am currently on my laptop in a place that offers wi fi, so that I can upload my maps and get fonts and stuff. :)
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