(Almost) Newbie advice about Annuals

Hi Everyone,
I used to use Campaign Cartographer back in the days of CC1 and CC2 Pro and after an absence of many years I'm back :)

I've just purchased and installed CC3+ and after some acclimatisation I'm starting to feel at home again.

After browsing the site I saw the annuals and saw Annual 2013 that had a style that I particularly liked (DeRust Overland) so I jumped at the chance and bought the annual. However, it seems that this product won't work with CC3+ but only CC3, which leaves me with a bit of a conundrum.

So, do I abandon CC3+ and install CC3 so I can use the annual or do I abandon the annual and stick with the newer CC3+. Without knowing the exact differences between the two versions I'm unsure of which way to turn. I didn't want to start a length mapping exercise only to realise I'd made the wrong choice. Also, I've heard mention on these forums that a conversion of the annuals may happen but I've no idea if this is likely or is so are we talking about weeks, months or years?

Sorry for the dumb questions but I'm standing at a bit of a crossroads and value everyone's advice on this issue :)

Many thanks in advance.


  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited March 2016
    Not a dumb question at all, and welcome back!

    Currently, only the annuals for 2015 and 2016 (Volumes 9 and 10) are compatible with CC3+, except for the June issue of the 2015 annual, which is still not compatible with CC3+. I presume this is Cosmographer related, but I don't know for sure. The current, 2016, annual is only compatible with CC3+.

    All previous annuals will be converted to CC3+ but that will take some time.

    The good news is that both CC3 and CC3+ can live peacefully together on the same computer. The only concern is that when you double-click a ProFantasy file it will always open in only one of the programs (probably whichever you install last but that's just an educated guess on my part). Opening a file from within either program will always open it correctly.

    The caveat for that is that maps that use content specific to one of the programs will not display properly in the other.

    The primary differences between the two versions are performance- and interface-related. CC3+ buttons are larger and easier to see on modern, high-resolution monitors. It has a helpful tool tip bubble for the cursor that acts like a mini-command bar, explaining what to do with the cursor next. Performance-wise, CC3+ seems more generally stable and, best of all, you can usually work with effects turned on without much, if any, noticeable difference in performance! Naturally, it's going to depend on your computer, too. A 10-year-old computer will likely still suffer, for example. Also, as I mentioned, the new Schley Overland style is amazing.

    Personally, I have both programs installed. If I want to use an annual style that is not yet converted, I use CC3. Otherwise, I use CC3+. The new overland style that comes with it is absolutely gorgeous.

    I hope that helps, at least a little, with your decision-making.

  • Many thanks for your reply, that was very useful. The actual style I wanted from the annual was an overland map style called DeRust which suits the style I'm after so isnt a Cosmographer style just vanilla CC3.

    Another quick question. If I go with the old CC3 for now and use the style and then a converted version of the Annual is released, will I then be able to open the map in CC3+ or would i have to start over?
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited March 2016
    Posted By: scotthallsMany thanks for your reply, that was very useful. The actual style I wanted from the annual was an overland map style called DeRust which suits the style I'm after so isnt a Cosmographer style just vanilla CC3.
    Yes, sorry if I was unclear. I was simply letting you know which annuals were currently compatible with CC3+ and the DeRust styles (from 2013 Annual Vol 8) are not, yet.
    Posted By: scotthallsAnother quick question. If I go with the old CC3 for now and use the style and then a converted version of the Annual is released, will I then be able to open the map in CC3+ or would i have to start over?
    I believe so. I don't work for PF so I can't say for certain, but I just created a map in CC3 using the Ancient Realms annual style, which is available in both CC3 and CC3+. Then I opened the map in CC3+ and everything looked fine and I was able to continue editing the map there.

  • As long as your not moving stuff around you will be fine...or adding stuff.
    I use a lot of fan art...if I use it in a cc3 map and I don't add it to the same directory in cc3+ then I have issues
    If you have both versions installed you won't have issues
  • Thanks guys!

    That's really useful information and helps a lot. I think I will start in CC3 and switch over to CC3+ when they convert the annual :)
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited March 2016
    I love the DeRust style. I used it to make a simple area map a while back. If you feel like it, I hope you'll post yours to the forum when you're done (or even as you go).

    Happy mapping!
  • edited March 2016
    That map looks great.

    I'm hoping to do a rough planetary scale map first with continents and major land features using DeRust then do smaller scale maps.

    I liked DeRust because it wasn't too colourfull or too Lord Of The Rings if you know what i mean. My world is Victorian ish era.
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    Thank you. Probably what I like most about the DeRust style, myself, are the amazing mountain symbols.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Its whichever program, CC3 or C3+, you opened last.


    I just opened CC3 on my Win 8.1 laptop, it opened the last CC3 map I had worked on.

    I closed it.

    Opened CC3+, and it opened the last CC3+ map I had worked on.

    At one time, I had to browse to the folder for a map to make sure I loaded the correct version of software. I don't know if this will work on other people's computers or not.
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