Bevel generates artefacts


I have a problem with the bevel-effect, when turned on for Scrublands_VH.PNG-fill, it generates strange artefacts on my areas.
Any idea what this is?
The areas are created by using the poly tools.
It only happens on some zoomlevels and on export it depends on the number of pixels. Looks like some kind of interference-pattern.

I also have this problem when using 2 sheets of this fill on top of each others.
Any idea how to prevent this?


  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker
    The CC3 effects engine has a feature/limitation in that if a pixel is exactly the same color in the same place as it was on a previous layer, then that pixel is treated as transparent. It is this behavior that lets CC3 compute transparency in the first place. Unfortunately, it can also result in single pixels (or even large areas in extreme cases) that drop out when a fill style accidentally results in the same color on successive layers.

    The best solution is to change the color slightly on one of the layers if possible to avoid this effect, possibly by changing the entity or by adding a differently-colored entity below the problem one.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    My solution is to put a sheet directly below the one with the bevel (without effects), copy the entities there and change them to solid fill with a different color.
  • Thanks for the tipps, looks like it is working.
  • 12 days later
  • A similar problem has come up with the "Edge Fade, Inner" tool, detailed in this thread.

    I'm not sure how solve the problem, if the "holy" area is a transparent one. Any suggestions?
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