
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    Well, then, I have a question.

    I just did a complete re-install of all my ProFantasy products (which is all of them, except the WWII atlas, so... it took a while). I installed CC3, FT3, all the symbol sets, annuals, all the add-ons, and the TUM. Then I ran the FT3 update and the CC3 update. Everything done "as Administrator" on Windows 7.

    It all looks good except, is there supposed to be a menu option to open the TUM from within CC3? Because if so, I don't seem to have it. Any ideas? I ran the CC3 Update 11 twice, just to be sure.

    If not, well, no problem then.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    No, there is no menu item for the Tome. It creates shortcuts in the start menu, but does not modify the CC3 menu files.
  • VintyriVintyri Newcomer
    edited December 2015
    Sorry, Remy, but I do believe that you're wrong.

    The Tome installation adds the Tome as an option under the Help menu.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Not for me. I have a brand new setup here on my new tablet, with a complete CC3 (and CC3+) install, and there are no links in my help menu for the Tome. But given that menu configuration is not really handled by the actual installer, but rather by CC3MenuConfig, based on menu configuration files that are downloaded from ProFantasy upon install, I am assuming that these changed at some point.
  • VintyriVintyri Newcomer
    edited December 2015
    Posted By: Monsengiven that menu configuration is not really handled by the actual installer, but rather by CC3MenuConfig, based on menu configuration files that are downloaded from ProFantasy upon install, I am assuming that these changed at some point.
    That could be. I have no idea. I certainly never put it there or even knew it was there until last week when I noticed it quite by accident. I have the Tome installed in the Documentation folders of both CC3 and CC3+, and the Tome entry appears in the Help menu of both on all three of my machines. I'm glad it's there. Since I noticed it, having it there has proven to be quite useful.

    EDIT/AN AFTERTHOUGHT: Two weeks ago, I was playing around and caused some toolbar problems which I corrected by running CC3MenuConfig.exe in both CC3 and CC3+. Art that point, the Tome already was in the Documentation folder of both programs. Perhaps that's what did the trick. Those who want the Tome in the menus could do that. Or one can just copy the Tome into the Documentation folders of CC3 and CC3+ and then add the Tome line shown below to the FCW32.MNU file in the CC3 data folder:

    QuickStart Guide:|RESIZE;OPENDOC #GUIDE.CHM;
    User Manual:|OPENDOC #DOCUMENTATION\CC3UserManual.pdf;
    Tome of Ultimate Mapping:|OPENDOC #DOCUMENTATION\Tome of Ultimate Mapping.pdf;
    Tip of the Day:|TIPS;
    Technical Support:|TECH;
    Online Resources>:
    FAQ:|HELPN 484;
    Video Tutorials:|HELPN 463;
    Community:|HELPN 486;
    Video Tutorials:|HELPN 463;
    Community:|HELPN 486;
    About CC3... :VER;

    and the Tome line below to the FCW32.MNU file in the CC3Plus data folder:

    QuickStart Guide:|RESIZE;OPENDOC @GUIDE.CHM;
    User Manual:|OPENDOC @DOCUMENTATION\CC3UserManual.pdf;
    Tome of Ultimate Mapping:|OPENDOC @DOCUMENTATION\Tome of Ultimate Mapping.pdf;
    Tip of the Day:|TIPS;
    Online Resources>:
    Technical Support:|TECH;
    FAQ:|HELPN 484;
    Community:|HELPN 486;
    Video Tutorials:|HELPN 463;
    About CC3+... :VER;

    Note that these entries are at the VERY END of these files.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Neither of my installs has it. I have no ideas on this one.
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