Cant select entities

Ok this is weird. I have been doing some of the 17th Century maps from the John Speed city pack. All been working very well. Made dozens of maps overt the last 2 weeks. I have erased ,edited, moved items , changed colours etc . Everything you should be able to do.

Suddenly this evening I clicked on Erase and rather than the usual select entity command , the command lines reads:
Layer name [dialog]:
if i click anywhere it changes to:
Command [ERA]:
when I click anywhere it goes back to
Layer name [dialog]:
etc etc
back and forth between these two BUT at no point can I select any entity on any sheet.

I close the programme and relaunch it but it still happens
I start a new map - t still happens. I CAN add new symbols and draw but I CANNOT select any entities to edit in any way.,
Have I hit some button which freezes entities.
Note I have checked the sheets and the relevant ones are NOT frozen



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