Cosmographer Pro Help

Hi all,

I'm new to the CC3 software, so I apologise if this is a newbie couple of questions.

First...I have been following the tutorial that ships with Cosmographer, and I have come to the part where I am asked to trace the outline of the shuttle to put the hull shading over the construction lines. I've noticed there is a trace function when you start clicking (after selecting the hull option), but it doesn't seem intuitive. Can anyone help with this, as I am not sure if it is linked to my next question, which is... do with switching between the Hull and Deck layers. I can get a hull outline with windows etc sorted out fine. I then click on the Deck 1 link on the canvas, which allows me to start designing beneath the hull. The problem is, if I do this and then click back to Hull, then return to Deck 1, everything I have done on this deck has vanished! A bit annoying!

I'm no stranger to using software, but there isn't much of a tutorial for this, and I was led to believe it would be rather easy. If anyone could help, I would be really grateful!!

Thanks in advance!



  • If you are using Cosmographer in CC3 (via the upgrade), then the Cosmographer tutorial is unfortunately out of date, the main reason being that in the CC2 version of Cosmographer used sheets for different decks, but in CC3 sheets are now used for drawing effects. Here's what Linda Kekumu had to say about that in August 2007 on the CC2 users mailing list:
    Yes - the Tome is out of date especially concerning cosmographer. The best
    way to handle multiple deck levels is to use a separate map for each level &
    use hotspots to link them together. I converted all of the example maps so
    people would have a good idea of how to handle them. If you re converting
    existing maps, please read the text file first. I tried to make it as easy
    as possible to convert existing maps :)


    Tracing - I learned how to do this by reading the Mercator maps PDF that came with the 2007 Cartographers Annual, but I can't remember off the top of my head how it works. I'll take a look tonight and try to explain how it works, unless someone beats me to the punch.

    Hope this helps.
  • Hi Diellur,

    If you have registered your copy of CC3, go to your registration page at Profantasy and download the CC3 User's Manual that was released today. At the bottom of page 40 is an explanation of how Trace works. It's for overland maps but the principle and steps are the same. It explains how to do it better than I could.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    A quick look at the new manual shows the quality of Profantasy !
  • Allyn did an excellent job - again!
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