Having trouble editing my map

Hi all.
I'm new to cc3 so please bear with me. My english is also not the best so please again have patience.
I'm drawing a map have run into a problem. I made the outline and added islands. As I was editing the coastline suddenly the changes I made dident "stick". They were there but when i zoomed in or out on the map they disappeared...? Then I did the classic mistake fiddling with all kinda things. Now I'm where I can add or edit the landmasses but changes goes away when i zoom. I can still add islands and add stuff to the water areas... Any idears???



  • Just move your TERRAIN-Layer up,, so it is above the SYMBOLS-Layer.
    Campaign Cartographer does a redraw when zooming in or out, so it refreshes and then respects the order of the layers.
    Du musst den TERRAIN-Layer hochschieben (move up im Layer-Dialog) so dass er über dem SYMBOLS-Layer ist.
    Campaign Cartographer zeichnet beim rein und rauszoomen die Graphiken neu, wenn du sie setzt machst er das nicht, dadurch hast du beim Zeichnen selber die Symbole technisch gesehen auf den falschen Layern, was er dann beim Aktualisieren korrigiert.
  • Hi Dogtag,

    thanks for clarification, yes i meant sheet, sorry for confusion.
    Having German as first language, the bilingual reply wasn't very hard :-P
  • Thank you very much. It works. Is there a "right" order for the layers?



    PS Meine deutsch is schlecter als meine englisch... ;)
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    The layers are alphabetical.

    The sheets are in which order you want them to be drawn.

    top of sheet list
    bottom of sheet list
  • CC3 draws the sheets from "top to bottom" so if your Sheet A is at the top most in the sheet-list, then B and then C it will draw A, then B and then C, so everything on C will cover B and everything on B will cover A.
    Think of them as glass sheets where you can look through where nothing is painted on.
    The "right" order depends on the effect you want to use.

    Oh, sorry for the German translation then, "Kontinent" is the same way we in Germany are writing it so I thought of that.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Posted By: WarEagle"Kontinent" is the same way we in Germany are writing it so I thought of that.
    "Kontinent" is also written like that in the Scandinavian languages, Norwegian, Swedish and Danish. So if having answers in Norwegian helps, tell me (I can't answer in Danish, but it is not that different from Norwegian)
  • 10 days later
  • Thank you guys :)
    No further language necessary... :)
  • 1 year later
  • But shouldn't it still be possible to edit, say, a sea sheet without moving it up? I mean, it should stil show through the other layers.

    I have made a map, and would like to edit the fill style for the ocean (I want another color - I am new to this also). But nothing happens, when I change the FS.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Yes, you don't need to move the sheet to edit their contents. When trying to change the fill of the ocean, make sure you actually select the correct entity though, as the ocean is usually a large rectangle filling the entire map, with the edges exactly at, or even obscured by the decorative map border.
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited November 2016
    You can hide all other sheets (and/or Layers, if desired) to isolate things on the map you have trouble selecting otherwise.

    Also, you can select by Layer (selects everything on the layer) or by ID. CC3 gives everything placed on the map a unique ID, which you can determine with the LIST command (Info>List on the menu bar).
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Does it appear on top when you edit it ? It will, but once you refresh with a ctrl-r it will refresh the map and it will look correct again.
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