Have CC3 CD3 and DD3 is it worth it to upgrade to CC3+ ?

Hello a few years ago i purchase CC3, CD3 and DD3 i did a little "tinkering" with it but never got around to learning all of it now i am going to start a new campaign and were thinking of using this application for it.

is it worth upgrading if i have windows 10? (no official support as it covers windows 8.1) and is there enuf (in your opinion) to warant the price for the upgrade fee? (when i log in it was somewere along the line of 22 Gbp (pound) )


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Since you haven't learned CC3 properly yet, I would recommend waiting until you are comfortable with CC3, and then decide if the upgrade is worth it for you.

    The main things you do get with CC3+ over CC3 is a new (very nice) overland mapping style, some user interface improvements (the UI is still mostly the same), and speed/efficiency improvements. The latter makes working with effects quite a bit smoother than with CC3. All in all, I think the upgrade is worth it, as long as it is a program you actually use.
  • 2 months later
  • I have to concur. I tried using CC3 and had numerous difficulties learning it. I upgraded to CC3+ and almost all of the issues I was having vanished. It was easier to select specific items, and once selected, the items were more obviously selected (limned in purple instead of white) and while I don't know if it's my imagination, CC3+ seems to run much faster.

    I've been using it for a while now, and I still can't make maps as professional-looking as the ones I've seen people post, but Im satisfied with the maps I've created, and the more I use it, the better I get.

    If it's not a financial burden, definitely upgrade to CC3+. Just realize that the addons are not yet compatible with it, though ProFantasy is working on upgrading them as well. I'm waiting on CA3+ and CD3+.
  • CD3 is already available for CC3+.
    You can find it at "CD3 Setup for CC3+" in your CD3-download-area
  • CC3+ has significant improvements over CC3: Speed, memory management, ease of use.

    Some of those improvements make the product easier for a new user to learn as well.

    Note that not all add-ons are compatible with CC3+ yet, but they will be eventually.

    In the mean time, you can install both CC3 and CC3+ on the same computer in order to use all add-ons with CC3, even before they are upgraded to work with CC3+.
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