Unable to install Annual (vol 7) using CrossOver (or on Windows)

Hi all, I'm running CC3+ on Mac using CrossOver. I installed the core app using default settings, which works fine. I'm attempting to install the vol 7 Annual by double-clicking the vol 7 exe (opens in CrossOver), selecting the bottle that has CC3+, then installing. Installer fires up to the intro screen, but when I click Next I get the following and it terminates.

Can anyone help? Thanks...


  • edited September 2015
    OK, so I feel like I'm doing something more fundamentally wrong here. I just tried to install vol7 on my Windows Vista system (which contains working CC3+ as well) and get the same error. My CC3 install should be the latest, as I just purchased and installed last week.

    EDIT: Same thing happens if I "Run As" Administrator on Windows.

    EDIT #2: Found this support article, but my registry keys in both Win and CrossOver look fine. Opening/saving/exiting CC3 doesn't help either.
  • ...And it looks like the problem is most likely that CC3+ and CC3 are not the same application, and that the Annuals are not compatible with the former. That is mega confusing, but at leastI have a direction to go in now...
  • Installed CC3, CC3 update 11, and vol 7 on Vista successfully. Unfortunately, CC3 doesn't install at all for me with CrossOver. Installer launches, I click through the prompts until I make it the "click Next to begin installation" screen, do that, and the install terminates. Nothing telling in the debug log, but can upload it if needed.

    Not sure what the problem is, as other people seem to be fine running with CrossOver (and CC3+ works fine also). I'm on a 2013 MacBook Air.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited September 2015
    CC3+ cannot current use the older Annuals. Only Annuals from 2015, starting with issue 99, work in CC3+.

    Profantasy is in the process of converting the older Annuals to work with CC3+.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Posted By: mattfs5Installed CC3, CC3 update 11, and vol 7 on Vista successfully. Unfortunately, CC3 doesn't install at all for me with CrossOver. Installer launches, I click through the prompts until I make it the "click Next to begin installation" screen, do that, and the install terminates. Nothing telling in the debug log, but can upload it if needed.
    Can you access the Windows Registry in Crossover? If yes, try to delete the following registry entry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\EvolutionComputing\CampaignCartographer3\SerialNum. Then re-run the setup.
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