CA100 Village of Brasscia - effects changing when zooming in - CC3+


I have found some strange behavior in the issue of black and white towns (CA 100): Effects are changing when zooming in and out with effects turned on in CC3+.
Effects change even sometimes when moving the map.

Here is a screenshot of the original map (coming with the Annual) for CC3+ showing the effect of "changing effects":


and when zooming in one step with the mouse wheel:


The roofs of the buildings get a nice shading but the road almost disappears...

Somebody else who can reproduce this?



  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Oh, there is an error in the Edge Fade Inner effect on the ROADS sheet. See the attached screenshot, that should be the settings to use.

    I'm not so sure about the roof shading. That should always be visible - I'll investigate why it disappears on the higher zoom levels.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    I've checked the whole Annual, and there were some problems in the CC3+ - surely due to the fact that it was one of the very first ones that I produced for CC3+. Mostly the effects and symbols were not all fully updated to work correctly in CC3+.

    I've corrected that and re-uploaded the CC3+ version. Please re-download it from your registration page if you've been using it in CC3+ and reinstall it. The new version should correct the roof shadows not appearing correctly, as well as the vanishing street fills.
  • Hmmm. If you had named it Brassica instead of Brasscia, you could populate the village with the entire mustard family of plants, which has all kinds of things even including cabbage! Hmmm! :-)
  • Posted By: VintyriHmmm. If you had named it Brassica instead of Brasscia, you could populate the village with the entire mustard family of plants, which has all kinds of things even including cabbage! Hmmm! :-)
    I once named a town on one of my D&D maps "Kohlrabi". My players thought it was just a cool name I made up.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Ralf, Thanks for updatng the Annual. Downloaded and installed on my computer.
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