Importing Dungeon floor plan from CorelDraw to DD3

Hi all,

Today is my first day of owning CC3/CD3 and DD3 :-) and am like a kid in a candy store, but I've run into something I am not sure how to solve. Forgive me if this has been answered before, but I couldn't find it in the forums.

I am the mapper for a game, I created the map in CorelDraw pre owning CC3 et al. I would love to convert this floor plan to DD3 to make it look cool.

I tried the advice about tracing, ie use Draw -> Insert File, but since I get to size the image the scale if always off
I tried exporting the map from Corel as DXF and DWG (which is better?) but when inserted it is tiny

The original map in Corel is scaled to 1mm for 5ft (yeah mixed metric and imperial)

So ideally what I want is to be able to import the image/corel file to trace again in DD3 and keep the scale of the Corel file correct so that I can easily line up the grid in the corel file to 5ft squares

Or is there an even better way of doing this.

This is the map for reference:

I am not worried about text labels etc, I just want to floor plan




  • I trimmed the map down to 5400x3900 and included only the squares, no outside area. That translates to 100 pixels per square which is a pretty good scale to make battlemaps at.

    Then I made a new map sized 275x200 (that's 5ft x 55 squares and 5ft x 40 squares (1 extra square each dimension for the mapborder).

    I then imported it in as you did and it came really really close to lining up but not exactly. :( Instead I just traced walls around the image then deleted the imported image and tada, floor plan. :) Took a lot less time than trying to nudge or resize the actual image.

    Hope this at least gives you some ideas for making it work.
  • Thanks kylania, that worked out well for me - much easier then exact lineup
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