Temple of Ioun

I picked up SS4 for CC3+ with the handy discount code this month and put together my first dungeon with the Schley style, which I kind of like:

Temple of Ioun at Sarthel

One weird thing I experienced though is that when I try to put down any sort of seating (pews, benches, etc. - anything from the "Table" symbols icon) in the main area it disappears. No other symbols seem to have this problem so I'm wondering if this is a CC3+ issue. I've attached the FCW file in case anyone's interested in trying to debug...



  • edited May 2015
    These symbols are being forced to the SYMBOLS Sheet and the FURNITURE Layer. You have the FURNITURE Layer hidden.

    I like the map a lot!
  • jediusjedius Traveler
    Ah! Such a simple mistake. Thanks for pointing it out Shessar, I thought I had unhid all the layers. Will post a more complete version later :)
  • jediusjedius Traveler
    Revised version, now with more furniture!

    Temple of Ioun at Sarthel
  • Looks great Jedius. I love the distinct shape of the building. Also i assume you are doing a 10' grid?
  • DigiartstDigiartst Traveler
    Great Construction of a temple.
  • jediusjedius Traveler
    Thanks for the comments everyone! I actually am doing a 5' grid since that's the standard for D&D 4e. I've actually been wondering, are there other systems that tend to prefer 10' grids over 5' grids? Or is that choice just stylistic?
  • I'll throw another scale into the mix: I prefer hex grids with a 6' (2 yard) diameter, mostly because that's what we used in WFRP. (It also scales well with the minis.) I haven't checked out grids in CC3+ yet to see if I can do that.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I used a 10' grid for my AD&D 1E maps. 2 inches of dungeon floor tiles as 10'.
  • How did you create the circular glowing runes?
  • jediusjedius Traveler
    I basically created 3 sheets: the outer circle, the text, and the hole. I needed a separate sheet for the circle & text because I think glow effects only apply to the outermost object.

    The outer circle was one bitmap, while the hole was the same as the rest of the floor. I added a glow to the outer one, plus a very small transparency and edge fade.

    The text also has a glow plus an inverted bevel to try to indicate it's carved in, not sure how much that comes through. Also a bit of a blur to soften some of the edges.

    The hole has an inner glow to make it seem as if the "other side" of the outer circle is glowing too. There's also an small edge fade there.
  • Yes but is the runic script a symbol for SS4 or your own creation?
  • Yep, thats one good looking temple. Great job! One suggestion is to change the position where your grid sheet is in the list of sheets. On the list I normally place mine above the walls and symbol sheets so it looks like the symbols especially are physically sitting on top of the grid. A subtle change but to me it can improve the look of things and you can still see enough of the grid to know where the squares are.
  • DkarrDkarr Traveler
    I think the question about scale was because of the size of the furniture. If you are using 1sq = 5' for 4e, the pews, as an example seem very small. You could pretty much only sit 2-3 people side by side. If the scale is 1sq = 10' then the furniture seems to be more size appropriate.

    Nice map. I really like the arc walls. The effects are also very nice. Well done.
  • jediusjedius Traveler
    The runic script is from the program AutoREALM, a free open-source program akin to CC3 which I must have installed before finding CC3. I think a few reinstalls later I still just have the font, "AutoREALM Futhark" which I'm sure you could get from installing that program itself...

    Doh! Mappy, you're totally right, I forgot about that. Unfortunately for me I've already printed the map :/ But thanks for the reminder!

    Dkarr, thanks for pointing out the scale point...now I see what you mean. I think you're right about the pews. I guess I'm so used to just dropping down a 5' grid it didn't occur to me I could do something different, or shrink the grid size...
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