Symbols vanishing under map when I zoom

Hey all,

I am having some difficulty with my symbols vanishing under the mountian background I put down when I zoom in or out in any fashion. Is there any way to fix this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • You are having a problem with sheets. The shhet where your symbols are, is below the one where the mountains are. That is why they "vanish". Try to hide the sheet of the mountains to find the "lost" symbols. Them you need to put your sheets in order. The ones that need tu be up, must be the ones near the botton of the sheets list.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace

    is the general order they should be in.

    The land is drawn, then the symbols, then the text. CC3/CC3+ is based on a CAD program.
  • I'm having this same issue, though not because of zoom. I had everything on top, then I brought some stuff to the front and some to the back and I guess I accidentally selected somethings I didn't and they got put behind. I've been playing with sheets, because I figured that's where the issue was, but I still can't get them to come to the surface. Where is the menu to order the sheets? I want my desert back!
  • Post your archive here and I will try to fix it for you.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    The S: at the top is sheet. The 'bring to front' works if they are also on the same layer.

    L: is for layer, FS: is fill style, LS: is for line style.
  • I've attached the file (I think) to this post. There are several items hidden now, a desert, river, swamp, and a few other things that should be showing up, that were...but now aren't. I'll play around and see what I can do in the mean time.
  • Your problems are in the sheets. Your landmass, for example is in the "river sheet", a sheet, that is above almost all others. So evrytihng else is below it in the map.
  • You have rivers and some trees symbols in the "coastline sheet".
  • I have put then in the right sheet for you. I have another suggestion (besides paying attention to your sheets): create one sheet for each terrain. Right now they are all in the Land Features Sheet. Just dont forget to put the shhets in the right orders: the ones that need to be below, must be on the top of the sheet list.
  • Thanks. I noticed that was the issue. It's because I started making it right out of the box and didn't read. I'm usually just a click and do kind of learner which works most of the time. ;)

    I appreciate the help. So far the forum has been very responsive and helpful.
  • Here where you find the sheets. Up in this list equals to a sheet that is below the others that are down in the list.
  • Now I got it! Thanks for the help. I actually made a new sheet with a custom name so that land and it's features are are with each other. I will do that for each special area which will make it much easier for me to keep track of. So rather than have all rivers on a sheet called rivers I'm doing one river on a sheet that is named after that river. One sheet for mountains named after those mountains so each land is defined and easy to locate.

    Thoughts on this method from your experience?
  • Mateus090985Mateus090985 Traveler
    edited May 2015
    It may be a bit too much. I create a new sheet when I need something with different effects and/or I need it to be in another level of the map. For example: if I want two layers of mountains, I will create one sheet called MOUNTAINS BACK and another named MOUNTAINS FRONT.

    Here is an image of my sheets used in my last map:
  • Another tip: be aware that the order is also important for your effects, as they are applied in the order that you put then. So the one that needs to be below must be on the top the effects for the sheet in question.
  • Got it. Thanks again. I'll go add a few items and see how it works out. I'm sure I'll have another question soon! Appreciate the help a bunch. I use Photoshop and other such programs all the time so I get layers and it's not often I a program frustrates me but knowing my items were there, and watching them vanish again each time I tried something was getting to me. :)
  • SkidAceSkidAce Traveler
    Posted By: Mateus090985Another tip: be aware that the order is also important for your effects, as they are applied in the order that you put then. So the one that needs to be below must be on the top the effects for the sheet in question.
    Are you saying the order of effects within a single sheet are ALSO important, or that the order of sheets that have effects on them is important? Cause I knew the second one...
  • Yes, some effects in a single sheet make a difference and others dont. Try to invert the orders of Blur, Bevel and Glow for example to see how they interact.
  • This isn't as intuitive as I would like it to be but I'm getting it slowly. My sheet for each "land" idea helps some and for other items doesn't so I may abandon it.
  • SkidAceSkidAce Traveler
    Posted By: Mateus090985Yes, some effects in a single sheet make a difference and others dont. Try to invert the orders of Blur, Bevel and Glow for example to see how they interact.
    /head explodes
  • And another tip regarding effects. In GENERAL, you must put a bigger area to the effects that are up in the list (below in the map). In contrary they may be hide behind an effect that is below in the list.
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