CC3+ White areas print as black in B&W vectors

Made a map using the B&W vector style with the intention of printing it out and colouring by hand, but in the print preview I noticed that the entire map was printing as black.

A bit of experimentation revealed that changing the background colour and the colour of the land masses from white (#15 in the default pallette) to anything else made that object show properly (albeit with the new colour rather than white), however the white parts on symbols still come out black. I have tested this on several different maps and map styles and the results are consistent.

When exporting to a bitmap image file whites display correctly, the bug only occurs when running the print wizard. I've printed to PDF to see if it was just a graphical bug, but the PDF was also showing whites as black. I haven't sent a job to my physical printer because I don't feel like throwing a page of toner away.

I haven't changed any application wide defaults in CC, so I'm really at a loss here.

Running CC3+ 3.66 with CD3+ and DD3+ installed too. Windows 7x64, 6GB of RAM, Core i7 CPU, GTX 650.


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