Editing an imported continent

I'm trying to edit an imported map from Fractals Terrain 3 in CC3+.
What I've managed to to is import the coastline features and place them onto a sea background.
But now I want to edit the features of the coastline. There are certain areas of inland sea that I want access to the ocean. So certain areas of land need to go. I also want to add islands too. See attached file.
Any advice on how to do this?
I've tried exploding the entity but that doesn't seem to work. I dont particularly want to have to edit in FT3 as it is not as precise as I want it to be.

Thanks in advance for any pointers. :-)


  • SkidAceSkidAce Traveler
    Not specifically a solution, but in a pinch to avoid tedious editing, I have drawn a lake of the same color as the ocean (without a border) where I wanted to do something like that.

    Then I added a line of the proper color to the places lacking a coastline.

  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Editing this landmass will be a bit difficult since the export from FT3 is a multipoly which isn't easily editable.

    You'd need to "Explode" the multipoly, edit the resulting pieces and later re-multipoly it. I'd recommend to either do the changes in FT3 and do a new export, or as SkidAce suggest "fudge it" by drawing your bit of sea on the SEA sheet and moving that above the LAND and COASTLINE sheets.
  • GatharGathar Traveler
    Can't you draw a new landmass by tracing on top of the existing one most of the time, then delete the first landmass?
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    @Gather, yes.

    I export a png file from FT3, import it into a CC3 map template, trace over it. Then delete the png file from the drawing. A number of my maps are made this way.

    I suggest putting the imported file on the Screen sheet, or a bmp sheet to make it easier to work with and then delete it.
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