CC3+ Update 11 [Solved]

Just installed CC3+ update 11, and when I run "cc3 update 11" all i get is a "empty" CC3+.

When I run it from the original shortcut, I will start the program, but it seems that none of the icons for CD3 is present, even when I hit the icon for CD3 nothing happens.

I have installed CC3 in a non-default folder and when I installed the update it initially had a problem locating CC3, but it seems like it found it when I located it manually.


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    You mention both CC3 and CC3+ in your post, so I am a bit confused about what you actually did, but it sounds like you maybe installed CC3 update 11 unto CC3+? If this is the case, you'll probably need to reinstall CC3+ to get it working. Update 11 is for CC3, not CC3+.
  • olonaolona Newcomer
    Hey Monsen,

    You're absolutely right. I mixed up things a bit. I logged in to my user account and tried to find the update that was mention in the Mail from Ralf, and just clicked "CC3 update".

    I found the correct link now and am downloading as I write, and hopefully it will install without a problem.

    Thanks for bringing that to my attention, though.
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