WIP: Upper Nerath (first overland map)

I wanted to provide my players some more detail as to the world I've been using, which is mostly based on the Conquest of Nerath D&D 4E geography, specifically the northwestern continent. I've been experimenting a whole bunch and here's what I've got so far - I welcome comments. Text labels are still in progress, but wanted to get some feedback. This is my first real overland map (I've mostly been doing some dungeons with DD3).
Also curious - I had a difficult time with the wooded villages (Yirra and the ruins of Vorquellyn). I basically filled a contour with tree symbols then deleted a bunch and tried to make it look natural but it looks kinda eh. There's also a mountain city, Mithralfast, which I wasn't even sure how to tackle (since it's an underground city in the mountains). Anyone have advice on these cities-within-symbol-areas?

Also curious - I had a difficult time with the wooded villages (Yirra and the ruins of Vorquellyn). I basically filled a contour with tree symbols then deleted a bunch and tried to make it look natural but it looks kinda eh. There's also a mountain city, Mithralfast, which I wasn't even sure how to tackle (since it's an underground city in the mountains). Anyone have advice on these cities-within-symbol-areas?

For the dwarven city, just a symbol seems fine and a good solution.
Any other comments?
The only think I dislike a bit is that the the forests are a very similar colour to the grassland, so they don't stand out much. I think it would maybe be more effective to have more of a contrast between the two (see Ralf's example above). However, appreciate that's maybe just because of the symbol set you used, and just my opinion! Great work.