Mahdran & Parmencia - Massive Fantasy World

Hello all. I have updated my MMORPG world map. I have made the north more interesting. I have also spruced up the Jacal Barrens zone as well. As you can see this map is designed differently. It has a realistic approach but yet each environment is zoned. That means each area has their own distinct environment. This is because it's made for a video game. I hope you can enjoy this world and it can spark some immersive fantasy.

Blue Text = Starting cities
White Text = Wilderness
Yellow Text = Interior/Exterior Dungeons
Light Blue Text = Other cities
Green Text = Raiding Campaigns
Purple Text = World Wonders
Brown Text = Mountains and Seas

Any points of interest?




  • You can click twice on the thumbnail and then click again to get a full screen version and zoom in.
  • seycyrusseycyrus Traveler
    This is pretty awesome. Do all the little cave openings etc. lead to current areas?

    I'll bit, what MMORPG is it?
  • Hi Seycrus.

    This is an mmorpg I have been designing for years. I hope to go into development and get a demo out soon. Do you have any questions regarding the game?

    I would say that some of the caves do and some do not. The Shard Scale Caverns are the caves that do lead to their own network of caverns for an example.
  • seycyrusseycyrus Traveler
    Well, some basic info would be good. What game system is is based on? What game engine? etc.
  • FarsightX3FarsightX3 Surveyor
    edited April 2015
    PC. Unity Engine and hoping to use Atavism plugin which is an mmorpg plugin. We'll see how customizable it is.

    It's a medieval and high fantasy setting with a balance. If you've played Everquest, think of a mix of Everquest and Game of Thrones.

    It's heavily PVE oriented. My game design philosophy is, Challenge, Community, Immersion and Variety.

    The three things I want to highlight the most and set apart from other mmorpgs...

    1. Adaptable Combat Mechanics
    2. Adventures that influence the world
    3. Item Creation

    Race list includes: Attaru (bear race), Crypt Elf (undead elf - grey to black skin), Dwarf, Elves (high elves), Humans, Jakari (gorilla race), Korelon (arcanist humans with darth maul like face paint), Mu'atan (mummy race), Nausaabi (small rabbit race) and Velthriss (lizarmen)

    Class List includes: Warrior, Knight, Dragoon, Asssassin, Myrmidon, Disciple, Cleric, Druid, Shaman, Oracle, Sage, Wizard, Nethermancer, Tempest and Archer
  • I guess my mapping style isn't as popular here. Sorry to disappoint...
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Not everyone comments on every post.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    You shouldn't take few comments as a sign people don't like it. People generally enjoy seeing the various map produced by the community, but not all maps gets a lot of comments. I think one of the reason for this is that people generally only post when they have anything constructive to say, which isn't always easy. You'll notice that there are very few single-sentence comments of the type "Nice map" in this forum.

    I think your map is great, but it is also difficult to comment on, because you have set some uncommon "rules" for it. Nothing wrong with that really, and I can certainly see why you need this for a MMORPG map. It makes it a bit unnatural in my personal context, but I can easily see that it seems to be able work great in the context it is supposed to be in.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    I agree with Monsen, the map is great for its intended purposes, but difficult to comment on due to that.
  • jediusjedius Traveler
    I actually do have one comment. I would suggest you consider changing the scale of the sea fill style bitmap. It's small enough that it's quite easy to pick out the repetition which loses some of the effect. If you increase the scale it will be less obvious, I think.

    Also I like the font you chose. Which font is it?
  • edited April 2015
    Posted By: FarsightX3I guess my mapping style isn't as popular here. Sorry to disappoint...
    As artists, and i don't mind calling ourselves that, we have to be willing to take criticism and suggestions all the time. Since there is a level risk involved when putting yourself "out there" for judgment. What we do with these criticisms and suggestions is purely left too us as individuals.

    That said, I think its detrimental, as an artist, too walk the path of assumption. This can lead to compromises in our work and will ultimately undermine our passion. So don't do it.

    Speaking of passion, i definitely see it in your work here. Which means your style will change to some degree as you put more into it. So as a spectator its a pleasure to watch it evolve and I respect your generosity. That my friend, is a Bravo, regardless what anyone thinks.
  • Thanks guys for the comments. I didn't mean to come off like that. I just figured for some reason because of lack of comments the map style wouldn't be popular. The reason why it's "patchy" is because I wanted to make a distinction of "zones" for the player like in any MMORPG, but yet have a realistic feel to it. That's why it may not flow well and have a multitude of diverse environments. Like Ralf and Monsen said, it's good for what it is. I just know it's a different way of doing a map compared to what is mostly posted here.
  • Posted By: SlaveOne
    Posted By: FarsightX3I guess my mapping style isn't as popular here. Sorry to disappoint...
    As artists, and i don't mind calling ourselves that, we have to be willing to take criticism and suggestions all the time. Since there is a level risk involved when putting yourself "out there" for judgment. What we do with these criticisms and suggestions is purely left too us as individuals.

    That said, I think its detrimental, as an artist, too walk the path of assumption. This can lead to compromises in our work and will ultimately undermine our passion. So don't do it.

    Speaking of passion, i definitely see it in your work here. Which means your style will change to some degree as you put more into it. So as a spectator its a pleasure to watch it evolve and I respect your generosity. That my friend, is a Bravo, regardless what anyone thinks.
    Thanks. I do put gallons of passion into my world :) Thank you for the nice comments! Any particular area of interest in the world?
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I am one of the top posters here, and a number of my posts never get comments. Nothing to be concerned about.
  • edited April 2015
    Posted By: FarsightX3 Thanks. I do put gallons of passion into my world :) Thank you for the nice comments! Any particular area of interest in the world?
    Well, the Attican Wall raises a query. As I assume, the wall was built to keep something in or something out?

    A structure of that size would require an immense amount of resources so its purpose would likely be just as immensely important. Care to share?
  • FarsightX3FarsightX3 Surveyor
    edited April 2015
    The Attican Wall is a massive 850 feet stone wall that stretches at the gate of the March. The Seseraxian Empire's reign on the world was almost apocalyptic. The malice they've inflicted on the innocence was beyond measure. You had one choice and one choice only. Join the Empire as a slave or be tortured to death to set an example. Many chose to be a slave because of the inhumane torture with dark magic was beyond agony. The Seseraxian World Dominion was the first of it's kind. They have turned many noble houses in promise of fortune and world secrets.

    At this time in history man's blight was so great the Heavenly God known as the Divine sent four celestial Judges to judge the world since man couldn't defend themselves. Thus the Age of Judges (500 years). Attican, the judge of War poured out his wraith onto the Seseraxian Empire and destroyed their power. No sword, no arrow, nor magic could penetrate the armor of Attican. He gave all of the people who served under the Sexeraxian Empire a choice. They could repent and serve the Divine or serve Attican as their penance. The power behind the Empire where servants of the Abyss who spat at the feet of the Divine. Their choice was already made for them.

    Over a span of several days, Attican gathered up all of the leaders, generals and officers of the Empire at the gate of the March between the Rueful Mountains. Once all forty thousand men gathered, Attican spoke. "A labor so great will be your burden. Before you, miles of wasteland between the rocky spires. You will build a stone wall, 850 feet high stretching between the March. It will take the rest of your lives to build this and it may take the rest of your children's lives to build this. A Father's curse for a generation. You will get tons of rock from the Rueful Mountains and use that as the stone." A man shouted from the distance, "we have several thousand men beyond the March in the far eastern lands!" With a command, Attican replied, "Then you kill them if they return."

    It took over 175 years to complete this monumental feat. Not many men found repentance for the Divine. Many died with black hearts full of hatred and darkness. The Judges wanted men to stay in this realm and not venture further. The Attican Wall was to keep them in so their sins can't spread into the rest of the world. Today the Attican Wall is considered a World Wonder. The remnants of House Seserax survived and began to build their Kingdom again in the Primal Badlands. Their wishes of a second attempt at world domination is what they want to achieve again. However, there is a splinter in their eye. And that is to tear down the Attican Wall.
  • edited April 2015
    Very very cool! Thanks for sharing.

    If I may...

    "To cast your eyes upon its wonder is to shed all your ego. Irony lies in its grandeur, as its shadowed by the humility that fueled its birth. It be an immense structure of penance. It's size representative of the sin."
    -The Slaved One

    P.S. I couldn't resist :)
  • A wizard of words Slave! A Wizard of words! May I use that? Lol. I can't write for petes stake but I can come up with interesting stuff I suppose :)
  • edited April 2015
    Thank you!

    Imagination is nothing without inspiration. As is the latter without the former.

    ...Indeed you may.
  • Thank you SlaveOne!

    I have also edited the Obsidian Block zone, as well as fixed the spelling of Tumenzear to Tummenzear.
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