re-finding/re-creating a bitmap fill ?

Okay. I am somewhat in the stage of moving. So, my desktop computer is in storage.

While my laptop has most of the fles I use in CC3, evidently some of the bitmap fills I use for making surface map contours on Crestar, I don't have all of them on my laptop.

My laptop screen goesn't show exactly the same colors as my desktop screen.

So, how can I recreate the 5 bitmap fills I need ?

I'll see if I can link to my color chart.

The ones I am trying to recreate are for: tundra, prairie, 15,000 feet, 10,000 feet, and 7,500 feet above sea level.




  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited October 2008
    15,000 is listed in my cc3 as Bitmaps/Tiles/Overland/land very lgiht brown
    10,00 as Overland/land light brown
    7,500 as Overland/land very light green

    Yes, blanks in the file names. So I don't think I created them from scratch as I don't do that.
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