CD3 Missing Bitmaps with House Tool and

Many of the bitmaps are showing as red "x"s with the House Tool for both Bitmap A and Bitmap B styles. Not all are missing, but most are.

I discovered this when I went to use the House tool and make some custom hovels in a slum district.


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Are you using an appropriate template? The fill styles are defined in the template, so trying to draw houses with bitmap fills on a non CD3 template will cause this effect.
    If you need to use the house tools on non CD3 templates, you need to import or create the appropriate fill styles.
  • Actually when you create a house on a template without the fills you end up with a grey house with no fills, sounds more like the fills are missing and not showing up on a map they should. You might have to reinstall CD3
  • I started it as a vector filled city template and now I am using more of Bitmap B than anything else.

    I might have to start the map over? I tried importing the bmp fill style but nothing happend other than that instead of red "X" I got a plain background color.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Try opening the collection of CD3 fill styles from CC3/System/Fill Styles/CD3 All Bitmap Fills.FCW.

    If you have red Xs showing in this file, you're physically missing the fill bitmaps and will need to reinstall CD3.

    If you can see all the fill styles, it's a problem with your specific map.

    You can try copying all the content in your map via the clipboard into a new map created from scratch - that might fix the fill styles.

    Hope this helps.
  • I had to start a new map. Most of the fill styles showed up as red "X"s in the old map and all of the vector symbols bcame corrupt. As an example if you tried to place building, only the steps and maybe a chimney might show up on the map. Weird. So I scratched 5 hours of map work and started over. sigh.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I do a 'save as' several times while making maps.

    save as map001, make a few changes, save as map002 etc. continue until done. Then save as map.fcw and map.bmp.

    I then use Irfanview to save as the map.bmp as map.png I upload a zipped version of the fcw file and the use Irvanview to make thumbnails. Type up the html, then upload.

    This way I can backup and take a different route if I encounter a problem.
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