Variable Terrain color

My mountains, which were previously a simple shade of dark purple-grey changed to lilac when I clicked to add filled vegetation, the variable color of which was lilac. I can change the variable palette, but it won't change the mountains back. I can't find the command for reverting the mountains back to the shade I originally made them. Come to that, I always get a new variable shade of objects (mountains, trees, etc) whenever I open a new filled terrain catalog.


  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    On the left side of CC3, look for the Change Properties icon. It is just to the right of the pencil icon.

    Right click on it.

    Select 'Change Color'.

    Click the mountains.

    Right Click and select 'Do It' from the popup menu.

    Go to the color selector and select the color you want.

    Click the Okay button.

    I suggest saving often, to a series of filenames, so you wont lose edits. I think undo only goes back 9 levels.

    So I go filename01_0001, filename01_0002, etc. until I am done. Then I save as filename01, save as png, and upload to my web site.

    If I then decide the map went off in a direction I decided to change, I just pick from the list of filenames, and branch off with filename02_0001, etc.
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