Happy Holiday's

Happy Holidays!!!
Best wishes to all.
Let's party



  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    the ice skating rink

    a poem of hope. Copyright by me 2008, but you can print it out if you want to. No selling it though.

    In the distance,
    a new skating rink doth appear,
    in the distance,
    holiday lights bring cheer,
    'round about the little skating rink,
    no one appears.

    The skating rink is lonely,
    it just abides.

    It hears the footsteps,
    of a single skater nearby,

    The skater,
    with gleaming skates,
    looks over the lonely rink,
    abiding there,
    in the distance,
    a shout is heard,
    from the popular new skating rink,
    which the little skating rink fears.

    The skater smiles,
    there in the dimness,
    and sits down,
    and puts on her skates,
    and talks to the little skating rink.

    "I'll bet you are all lonely,
    sitting here in the dark,
    at the Deep Dark end,
    of the park.

    From a distance,
    I saw you from afar,
    I think you are a good place to skate,
    I have traveled far !"

    With that the woman touched the skate rim,
    and smiled.

    She looked at the ice,
    it had not been well tended.
    She could easily see,
    it could cause her to fall,
    with the greatest of ease,
    but she walked out onto it anyway.

    And skate she did.

    Swooping and leaning,
    into the breeze !

    A chuckle,
    escaped her lips,
    as a few stars,
    seemed to lighten the ice,
    in this,
    the Deep Dark end of the Park,

    They sparkled like diamonds,
    up there in the sky !

    In the distance,
    the lights did sparkle,
    in the bright part of the park !

    Such frivolity,
    over there !

    But the woman skating,
    and the little ice rink,
    enjoyed their companionship,
    there in the park !

    And it did respond to her joy !

    It formed loops,
    and curclicues !

    And hills and curves !

    Oh, if you could have seen them,
    in the Deep Dark part of the Park !

    And she asked,
    the little ice skating rink,
    if it wanted to do this,
    all the year ?

    in its way,
    it said, yes.

    And she smiled,
    and turned into a woman,
    made of Crystal Ice !

    For she was the Snow Queen !

    She lived on a distant plane,
    of existance,
    and had been looking,
    for an ice skating rink,
    to take back home !

    The next day,
    the park crew,
    came by,
    to tear up,
    the little ice skating rink,
    and found,
    a note,
    which said,
    "Good-bye ! Its been fun !"
    etched into the concrete.

    They didn't understand,
    except the oldest one there,
    some would explain,
    was part Elf,
    and probably had something,
    to do with the rink's magical disappearance,
    but he would just smile,
    and put his index finger,
    beside his red nose,
    and chuckle,
    and feed his 12 reindeer,
    at the end of his work day.

    [ exit ]
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    Wow, that holiday-themed tavern is awesome!

    Happy holidays, everyone.

  • Hehheh yep, thats a cool looking tavern there. I feel like I've been there all day. All full of ham, trifle and booze. Yup hope everyone is having a good christmas wherever we all are in the world.
  • Looks lovely Ken! Merry christmas to you all and the best wishes!
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