and continents, Grain Isle, Barrow Islands, Crestar
🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
In the Northern Hemisphere.
Aug 29, 2016: Yes, I changed the title.
I'm not quite certain I want to change this map, or leave it the way it is. I do need to add forests and tundra. I haven't typed up any text to go with the map numbers yet.
What do you think of the map ? Any suggersted changes ?
859 x 800 pixel map on my Crest of a Star site.
Aug 29, 2016: Yes, I changed the title.
I'm not quite certain I want to change this map, or leave it the way it is. I do need to add forests and tundra. I haven't typed up any text to go with the map numbers yet.
What do you think of the map ? Any suggersted changes ?
859 x 800 pixel map on my Crest of a Star site.
I've loaded a better map of the Barrow Islands. One islands, two names, fixed.
The small bit is the south end of Bis-Cha Isle.
Aug 29, 2016: Yes, I changed the title of this thread.
My Traveller site has over 1000 planets on it, all done by using FT3 and exporing using the built-in Cosmographer template. If you want to look at examples of the FT3 output.
deleted old and added new map. This contains 2 of the FR Atlas ship drawings I turned into symbols.
Oh, and those three street lights are from the Modern symbol set.