Revamping Crestar, using an Annual style

I am going to redraw the southern continent of Crestar, trying various Annual styles.

The resulting maps will resemble Crestar. Hopefully by Spring, 2015, I'll be mostly done with the surface mapping style I settle on, and be doing the detail maps. I want to get away from the 185x234 miles pieces of my current surface maps. My attempts to come up with a quick way to redraw the 185x234 mile pieces as one large map aren't working.

As I get some of the southern hemisphere maps done, I'll post them. So no need for this to be in show and tell yet.

Oh, I'll be using the color overland styles, skipping the B&W styles.

If you want to get the old maps, feel free to do so, but I don't think I have the worldall maps up right now on my site.

Hmmm. Where did this headache come from... :-)


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