Has anyone done a map of the East coast of the United States?

I want to do some lovecraft style games but need a map of the east coast, namely New England, to use as a starting point.

Any idea how to do it or has anyone done it?


  • I've done this map on commission for a publisher & it shows part of the East Coast from Washington DC to Boston for as yet unreleased game. I'm showing this as an example of a very simple type of map making use of effects & tracing political boarders & coast lines from a waste sheet-layer used for the tracing. I used a washed out parchment effect on the coast sheet with an 10% grey overlay for giving the land some layering back from the beach. The depths of the sea are done similarly & the mountains are pale brown with transparency & texturing. Very straight forward to do & honestly a good place for a beginner to start with using sheet effects. The art is in the details & colors.
  • 1 month later
  • Ok so is there a tutorial for the above map and how to trace in cc3?
  • No there is no tutorial for it as I developed the style for use on a commissioned project. My description above should answer how to do it without fighting the trace command.
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