cut world map to region

I have a part of a cft3 world map I want to focus on in cc3. I've exported the map and can zoom in on the part I want to work on, but when I zoom out the whole world is still there. Also, it's a climate map. How do I illustrate mtn ranges etc without having the whites, blues, etc underneath?


  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Do a search in these forums for 'large map to small' and you will see 2 discussions on this. I have a tutorial on this on my Crestar site.
  • Link, please? I feel pathetic - what I found (by you, even) seems to use functions I don't know. (I'm a noob.)
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    My map tutorials have some broken links as I'm moving sub-domain sites.

    Basically load the large map into CC3.

    Make a hollow triangle of the small part you want as a separate map.

    Using Info menu -> Distance, measure the hollow triangle and label it.

    As an example I'll say is is 500 miles by 400 miles.

    Using the text commands on the right side of CC3, label the hollow rectangle.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace

    Zoom in to the hollow rectangle using the zoom window upper right of CC3 to just outside of the hollow rectangle.

    Select Save As from the file menu.

    At the bottom of the requester, select 'save as type' rectangular section bmp.

    Give it a name, a city or country on the map will do.

    Click okay.

    Go back to the map. You now have a set of guide lines. one vertical and one horizontal.

    Click the upper left of the hollow triangle, move the guide lines to the lower right corner. Click again.

    You want to select opposite corners.

    You now have a bmp of the hollow rectangle on your computer.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Close that map or close CC3.

    Start a new map by click on what looks like a white sheet of paper with the upper right corner folded own, below the menus at the top of CC3.

    Click 'Decide settings myself'.

    Select the type of map you want, as an example, Overland maps.

    Click the Next button.

    Select the type of overland map you want. I'm, selecting 'CC3 standard overland'.

    Click Next.

    The requester will show 1000 by 800, change that to the size you marked on your bmp.

    My example is 500 by 400.

    Click Next and select the map or example, I save it as city01background color/type.

    I selected Solid, and then clicked on the color square below that. And selected green, color 84, for my map background color.

    For example I save it as city01
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited September 2014
    We need to create a new layer to put the bmp on.

    Look for L: a word or two

    At the top of CC3. Click on it one time. Click on the word add. Type the word bmp in the requester. Click okay.

    Now look for S: Land ( it may have another word after the S). Click on it, and select Grid.

    We are going to put the bmp on top, so the items you draw will go under it. The new layer is you can delete the bmp later.

    Next I am going to insert the bmp we made earlier.

    Control-I is insert. Or under Draw Menu, Insert File. ( top of CC3 ).

    Browse to the bmp, and select it. Click Open.

    You now have another guideline set on the map.

    Go to the upper right of the map, just past the border.

    Click left mouse. The insert is started.

    Holding down the control/ctrl key, move the mouse pointer to the lower left, opposite, corner. Move the map edge just past the map border.

    Left click. And release thge contro/ctrl key.

    You now have the small map section you are going to copy on top of the map.

    You can use hide bmp layer in the layer dialog/requester to see what your map looks like as you go.

    I would suggest put in any landmarks, like hills, mountains, rivers, city, towns, and then hide the bmp.

    Continue mapping.

    Save as often to a series of filenames. I do this in case my computer fails, or I decide to go in another mapping direction.

    I suggest filename01_001, then save as filename01_002, etc.

    I hope that is clear, I have the 'flu and I'm running a fever.
  • Whether it is clear or not, who could complain at all of that step by step instruction. You rock Jim!
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited September 2014
    Thanks and you're welcome.


    Urf, several typos, but it should be enough correct so you can do it.

    I scanned my old 5mm hex maps from the 1980s, and made them all into CC2/CC3 maps. I think it took me about 2 years, but I didn't have much time per month to work on them. I can do them faster these days.
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