Symbol Set 1 and 2 menu button

I have bought CC3, CD3, DD3 and SS1, SS2 and SS4.
When i starta CC3 i get menu buttons for CC3 (Map Menu), DD3 (Dungeon Menu), CD3 (City Menu) and SS4 (SS4 Menu)
Its a quick way to find all my favorite Symbols in an easy way.
Is there any way that i can add icon to my menu for both SS1 and SS2 next to my SS4 button?
Or do i have to open SS1 and SS2 manually everytime i want to use those symbol sets?

Kind regards


  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Just browse to them.

    Or you can create a map using the symbols from various symbol sets.

    Look for the word Symbols at the top of CC3, click on that and then click on Symbol Manager.

    Select all of the symbols you want ni a symbol set that are in that map.

    Click on the 'save as a catalog' button on the upperr left.

    Use the name it gives you, which will be the name of the map, or give it a new name, click Save. Save it to your Symbols folder under CC3.

    Load that symbol set each time you want to make another of that type of map.
  • 10 months later
  • olonaolona Newcomer
    Will there be any buttons or the like, for the Symbol Set 1 (SS1SetupForCC3Plus)?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    SS1 (any version) doesn't have it's own menu files (because it is not needed, it uses the standard overland menus), so there is no SS1 button on the toolbar, but the regular symbol catalog buttons on the overland menu will load the appropriate SS1 catalogs when you are on an SS1 template.
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