Is there a trace feature?

I have a number of existing maps for my RPG designed by some of my artists, but I'd like to replicate them in an editable form like Pro Fantasy.

Is it possible to import an image and trace the landmasses?


  • I am not 100% sure what you mean by "trace feature", but you can import bitmap images of old maps and manually trace the continents, rivers etc. There is no automatic trace feature that vectorises your bitmaps. Depending on your source files you may get some mileage out of free vector graphics editors like Inkscape.

    To just import an old map file convert the scans to .bmp or .png and select Draw>Insert File. You can adjust placement and size then and there. Tracing is easy enough and sometimes produces pretty cool results.

    To try for an automatic conversion from Inkscape, which I would only advise if you have clear lines and colours and too much maps to do if by hand, do this: In Inkscape select File>Import and choose Embed. Then Select Path>Trace Bitmap. There are many methods to get results there and they vary according to your source files. The Inkscape manual will help you with this. If you get a decent enough fit, save the file as a .dxf (Desktop Cutting Plotter (R 13)). This unfortunately only gives you a bunch of white lines, but if your map was relatively clear and clean that should still be useful. You can load this file in Campaign Cartographer by selecting the file type CAD Files. To get better results you can delete unnecessary paths in Inkscape while they are still coloured.

    I really wouldn't recommend the latter method unless you absolutely need an automatic trace function, but it's the only way to get vector information from free sources into CC that I know off. Unfortunately CC doesn't do .svg files, but that's quite understandable as it is CAD-based.

    Hope that helped.
  • 9 months later
  • How do you remove or hide the file once you have traced it?
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Have it on its own layer. I name mine bmp.

    When the map is complete, hide all layers except bmp. Then delete the import drawing. Show all layers.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Or you can just use the "Erase" command on the bitmap (select by clicking the edge).
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