Hex grid - some terrain types snap properly, some don't

I'm trying to create an overland hex map in CC3.

Some of the terrains - the "just a coloured hex" terrains - seem to snap to the hex grid beautifully.

Other terrains - such as the "hex with cluster of trees" terrain - snap to some weird, invisible grid, that doesn't seem to be hexagonal, and has cells larger than the actual hex-grid displayed on the screen.

Is anyone familiar with the issue I'm experiencing?


  • Here's a video of me creating a map from scratch. First I start placing water hexes, which behave just fine. Then I start placing forest hexes, which... don't.

    (Not sure why it's blurry. Using free vidcap software I'd never used before.)
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Doing the hex grid in the New Map Wizard can be tricky, because the wizard can't adjust the snap grid for that. Plain hex symbols like water you placed will still work, but the more complex one like the forests might now.

    To avoid this don't add the grid in the Wizard. Instead, create the map at the size you need, save it, then add the grid via Draw > Hex Square Overlay and make sure the "Set snap grid" option is activated.
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