Bring symbols over another one

Hello all, I really really need your help! :(
I just bought the Campaign Cartographer and I noticed I cannot put a symbol over another (for example a shrine over a lake I made) because it shows the lake and, behind, half the shrine, like it's cut. I attached an image for you.
Please help me ^__^ thank you really really much


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited December 2013
    This is usually because of sheet order. Use the List command (Info menu) on the entities to check which sheet each of them is on, then open the sheets and effects dialog to check your sheet order. Remember that the sheets near the bottom of the list are added to the drawing last, which means that entities on these sheets will appear on top of entities from sheets higher up the list.

    Now, either change the sheet order, or use the Change Properties command to move one or more of your entities to another sheet.

    (Note that if they are on the same sheet, you can use the send to back/send to front commands, but these only works if both entities are on the same sheet. When they are on different sheets, you must manage the sheet order)

    If you are not yet familiar with the commands I mention above, I strongly suggest that you take the time to work through the tutorials in the manual as these are designed to familiarize you with these concepts (There is also an updated version of the manual you can download from your registration page)
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