Inland Seas that match (same sheet as ocean)

I recently upgraded to CC3 from 2. The improvements are incredible. On to topic: I am creating a rather large continent map and want to "cut out" a few inland seas so you can "see through" to the Ocean bottom sheet/layer. Is there a way to "cut out" large areas of land so the effects I places on the land sheet (glows, etc) take effect there too?


  • These are much larger than lakes.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    If you need to cut holes in any polygon, you need to use a multipoly. Basically, you just draw a new poly in the shape of the lake on the top of your continent, then use multipoly on these. This will result in the lake turning into a hole in your landmass.
    Multipolies have some issues however, like reduced editing functionality, so you may also wish to consider making a separate sheet for these inland lakes (unless you can use the existing riverslake one), and duplicate the effects from the ocean sheet on it, and simply using a drawing tool (create a new one if desired) to draw the lakes on this sheet.

    Both these options work, and both have their issues, so pick the one that works best for you and your map.
  • Thanks for your quick reply. So if I use the multipoly (I will have to trial and error because how to use it is not in either pdf guide) will the effects on the landmass sheet be in the new "hole" as they are around the outter edge of the land mass?

    The first thing I tried was a seperate sheet for the inland seas (will be different than lakes. Lakes and rivers will go on the lakes/rivers sheet). But for some reason appling the effects of the land sheet on the new Inner Seas sheet except inward instead of outwards, looked different. Same effects. Same modifiers to those effects except clicked inwards instead of out and they look really different. That is when I started exploring an option to simply "cut" the seas and have the effects already in place take effect.

    Thanks again.
  • Tried the multipoly. Can't figure out how it works and/or get it to work properly. I guess I will go with the separate inland sea sheet and just deal with shotty effects.

    Anyone know of a link to detailed Multipoly instructions?
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    sheet list


    Just click on the multipoly icon right side of CC3 and draw a shape.

    Drawing an ocean fill or a solid color, depends on what you select.

    To draw a multipoly that has an ocean bitmap fill.

    1) click on FS, the fill style, upper right.

    2) click on bitmap fills.

    3) select a bitmap fill the same color as the ocean.

    4) click okay.

    5) draw the multipoly, or a poly.

    The list of bitmap fills you will find when you scroll down in 3) above will vary depending on which template you use.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Posted By: PaulieTried the multipoly. Can't figure out how it works and/or get it to work properly
    The basics behind multipoly is that the command combines two ordinary polygons into one. Where they overlap, there will be a hole. So in your example, draw the main landmass first using the default land tool. Then continue to use the same tool, and draw the shape of the lake. Now, use multipoly on the two landmass polygons to combine them. Make sure to only apply it to the polygons, NOT the black outlines that most landmass tools have. After doing this, you should end up with a landmass with a lake shaped hole in it. You may need to move the black outlines to front afterwards, since the multipoly will be moved to the front. Also note that the multipoly will take on the current properties as per your status bar, NOT whatever properties the individual polys had before, so you may need to adjust this before executing the MOPLY command.
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