How do I change my Dungeon Toolbar?
I've installed the Jon Roberts dungeon style pack, and I love using it. However in order to use the symbols (doors, furniture, etc) I have to browse to the appropriate FSC file each time. I'm sure there is a way to change the buttons on my Dungeon Toolbar to point to a different FSC (the Jon Roberts ones in this instance) but I don't know where to configure that. I'm reading everything I can find about it, but I've not had any luck yet. Can anyone discuss the steps required to point my DD3 buttons (Wall Features for instance) to the Wall_Features.FSC in the Jon Roberts Dungeon folder?
When you create a new map, how do you do it? When I create a map using the steps below, my DD3 buttons work with the Jon Roberts symbols.
- Click File>New from the menu or click the New button
- Select Dungeons from the Map Type list.
- Click the Decide settings for myself option button, and then click Next.
- Select Annual Jon Roberts from the Map Style list, and then click Next.
- Fill out the rest of the wizard.
For me, the resulting map symbols and DD3 buttons interact as I expect.The New Drawing Wizard displays.
Do you create your maps that way, or do you Use a pre-defined template (in step 3)?
Incidentally, I'd still love to know how to make a map style on my own, where I could specify my own symbols. Is there a Joe Sweeney tutorial covering that?
I copied the PNG out to a temp folder and selected it, and it worked perfectly. This prompted me to see if there are any other PNGs in the Jon Roberts collection that don't appear in the symbol catalogs:
Debris: Bone 1, Bone 2, Bones and Skull
Elemental and Magic: Magic Circle
Everything else works correctly in the Jon Roberts pack, except those three images. Is it possible for those FSCs to get fixed in the download? Or is it hard to update the catalog myself? The only symbol catalog I've ever made was the Old School D&D one following the Sweeney tutorials, and that didn't really cover how to edit an existing catalog. Any help would be appreciated! (Or a fixed download!)
For anyone who might find it helpful to hear how:
1. Start a blank Symbol Catalog (you just don't want any symbols down).
2. Go to Symbols > Symbol Manager
3. If there are any symbols showing, click Purge first (if they won't purge, there's a symbol on the map, erase it.)
4. Click Import, change the file type to Catalog and navigate to Elemental and Magic.FSC, click Import
5. Now click Import PNGs, browse to the Elemental and Magic folder, and hit Open. Import them. It should update 2 and leave 5 alone.
6. Open Symbol Manager again, and you'll have the two circles now. Click the first one (varicolor) and click Options.
7. Check "Part of Collection" and set it to Letter; check Varicolor Symbol, and check Force Sheet "SYMBOLS*", then hit OK.
8. Do the options for the second circle the same, but don't check Varicolor.
9. Select the bottom symbol, then scroll to the top and hold shift while clicking the top symbol. They should all be selected now. Click Save as Catalog, and save is as Elemental and Magic.FSC (then overwrite it).
Voila! Fixed. Same process for the Debris.FSC catalog. (Remember to Purge the existing symbols out before Importing it.)
After figuring this out, I also noticed there was an All.FSC as well. I imported it into the Symbol Manager, then imported my updated Debris and Elemental and Magic catalogs, then Saved it again. Now that I have a pretty firm grasp on this Symbol Catalog stuff I might have to make some of my own!