Reinstal - New crashes


I've had and used this program as an an advanced newbie for a few years now. I recently decided to increase my skills and went through Sweeney's video tutorials without any problems.

A week ago I purchased the symbol sets (1,2,3) and the Tome of Ultimate mapping. I decided to uninstall everything so that I would be certain of my file directory structure. I then re-installed everything in the order suggested by the website (I believe) CC3,CC3update 10,CD3,DD3,SS1,SS2,SS3.

Now I can't even get through 5 minutes of Remy's Tome! When I go to place a mountain I get the "FCW32.exe has stopped working" error.

Should I just try to re-install everything again? Is there an error log I can view to get a hint of what's happening? Any other thoughts?

Thanks for your time.


  • seycyrusseycyrus Traveler
    edited September 2013
    I believe I discovered the source of my problems. After I uninstalled everything, I went ahead and started installing it all one at a time, checking all the menu options after each install. I did CC3, DD3,CD3,CC3Update10, SS1,SS2,SS3,CD3Bitmaps, an it all worked fine.

    I then installed the CD3 random city generator. Now whenever Try to access overland options, it crashes (FCW32.exe has encountered an error.) This occurs even if I try to generate a new overland map.

    Is this a known problem?

    Edit: I uninstalled CD3 and then re-installed it. Seems to be working ok.
    Except for the fact that the random city command does not exist any longer, of course. Months back, before I got the symbol sets, i had used the random city generator successfully...
  • seycyrusseycyrus Traveler
    edited September 2013
    So, I'm really confused now. I seem to get it going and then after a few minutes in, it crashes.


    EDIT: I see the sticky regarding windows 7 and installation under Technical support. I think the information given elsewhere contradicts what is given certainly regarding the order of install.

    I'm going to try the preferred order of installation given.
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited September 2013
    For what it's worth, I have Windows 7 and the order that ProFantasy lists on the site worked fine for me. I also have the random city generator and it works fine, too. If the reinstall doesn't work, it might be some configuration or software conflict particular to your rig. If you haven't already done so, you may want to contact ProFantasy Tech Support. Maybe they can sort it out for you. You'll find some useful links on the PF Contact Us page.

    Good luck on the re-install!
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I always did the update last.
  • seycyrusseycyrus Traveler
    edited September 2013
    Hey guys. Thanks for the feedback. I think I've got it up and running now. I've been working through Remy's tutorial without any crashes. I haven't tried to re-install the random city generator yet.

    What seemed to make the difference is now I have to make sure I open up CC3 as administrator (not just do the installs as admin). I never had to run CC3 as admin before, I just used to double click on a map and it would open up and I 'd be good to go. Now, If I do that, it'll hand and crash.

    So I have to right click on CC3, run as admin, then Open file and select the map I want to work on.

    EDIT: If I just double click on a map icon, then try to select a mountain symbol, it'll crash. If I run CC3 as admin, then open file it works fine. This crash is repeatable over and over.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Hmmm... I have Vista Home Premium 32-bit and just double click on the icon on my desktop, or double click on the map and no crashes.

    I have been running three different maps at the same time recently, making Traveller sub-sector maps, while comparing them to the Sector maps.
  • I failed to note that I am running Windows 7 Home Premium, 64bit, service pack 1. My machine is a quad core, with 8 GB RAM.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Ah, CC3 doesn't use all of that, nor the video card. Do a search of these forums, I remember Ralf or Roger commenting on that, but I forget what it was.
    edited October 2013
    I have the same kind of machine as seycryus - Windows 7 Enterprise, 64 bit, service pack 1, quad core with 8 GB of RAM.

    Could it be related to the extra cores?

    Forgot to mention my CC3 crashes ALOT!
  • Greetings again!

    I seem to have have had success with CC3. I no longer have to run the program itself as administrator, and can just click on maps to open them and everything seems to work fine.

    I re-installed windows 7. And once again followed the install procedure outlined here:

    Thanks for your help!

    On a side note. When I ran the CD3 high resolution bitmaps installation. There is an option to Repair and another one to Remove. I chose the Repair option.

    Why would there even be a Remove option?
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