Old School - Tracing old maps

Currently redrawing Goodman Games Megadungeon #51 Castle Whiterock in the VC Old School. I'm doing this because I don't play D&D anymore I play GURPS and I need a hex grid that is 1 hex=3'. Also I want want to be able to print out to scale battle maps when needed. No need for anything flashy or fancy as I doubt they will every come back to Castle Whiterock once (if) they finish it.

I have left out all the room numbers as I will be placing my maps into Microsoft OneNote and creating hyper links to the areas from there. I'm thankful for the multi-level function of the Old School style as I was able to make all the levels at once with the hyperlinks. Makes it easier to build.

photo CWRLVL2_zpse837f4e0.png

You can download the maps for free HERE.

photo GURPSAdventure2_zps6524af06.png

photo GURPSAdventure_zpsce47e38c.png

2 down 45 to go.
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