Light effects

Hello again

I have been trying to figure out, how to make light effects, but I dont have those sheets
Do I need to buy a special pack to get that? (I just have the basic 3)


  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    You'll need to add the sheet effects, lights, etc. yourself, as the normal templates are not set up with the lighting included. Check out the help entry "Light Sources" to see what you need.
    If you want a full-blown mapping guide and preset templates, you'll find those in the Cartographer's Annual Vol 2.
  • Thanks alot! Cant wait to get home from work to play around with that ;-)
  • It says that I should have Issue 19 installed of the Cartographer's Annual - that is an extra purchase?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited August 2013
    Yes, the Cartographer's Annuals are additional premium content you can buy.
    CA19 comes with the templates already set up to use the lighting effects.

    You don't need to have this issue however, the commands are already integrated in CC3, but it saves you a bit of work if you have CA19.

    Generally, the annuals are quite nice to have, and you can learn a lot from them, and they can make certain tasks easier, and they often comes with additional artwork, but generally you can do the same tasks just fine without them. If you read the help topics Ralf pointed you to, you'll notice they say that if you don't have CA19, you won't have the lights menu, so you should use the text equivalent instead (which you can find in the help topic)
  • CA19? Wait, I'm confused - There are six volumes plus 2013 which we're currently in? What does the 19 stand for?
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Each Annual Volume has 12 issues, one for each month of the year. These have been numbered consecutively since the start in 2007 (this month's issue is CA80). So CA19 is the seventh (July) issue of the second year (2008).
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