Font problem with new install

Hi all -

I've just upgraded my PC to a Windows 8 PC and am having some font issues (using integrated HD4000 graphics processor, though I've tried with the NVIDIA graphics processor turned on and I see the same results)/

Whenever I open a CC3 map with labels on it the labels look like they are not using the correct font but some sort of "boring" default font. I tried uninstalling everything and then reinstalling just CC3 as well as Volume 2 of the Annual as that highlights the problem rather well.

Pictured is a screen capture of one of the sample Fenlon maps from Issue 13. As you can see the labels don't look the way they are supposed to.
cc3.png 643.2K


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited July 2013
    Did you install the annual properly? You may need to install it by right clicking and selecting the run as administrator, otherwise it won't be able to update system stuff, like fonts. Sometimes, Windows 8 also likes a reboot before it shows newly installed fonts properly.
    For reference, I am on a Windows 8 device right now, and don't have that problem with the CA13 example maps.
  • I think it was a font install - after a reboot things looked better. Then I installed a few more annuals and their fonts looked odd - and then again after a reboot they looked normal again.

  • jaerdaphjaerdaph Traveler
    I noticed today I'm having a similar problem in Windows 8 with the single issue annuals for this year. I've installed them all with Run As Administrator. I've rebooted the computer, but the new fonts aren't installed - they aren't in the Fonts folder. My previous annuals and other products seem to work, but I think that is only because I installed all the fonts from my old computer onto my new Windows 8 computer prior to installing CC3. Everything was done Run As Administrator, latest patch was installed as well.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    I didn't check all of the single issue installs, but most of the one I checked had their fonts fine on my Windows 8 device, except for the comic book maps one, but I think that is due to a spelling error in the registry entry it sets up. Do you have the name of any specific issues with problems?
  • jaerdaphjaerdaph Traveler
    The #78 Comic Book Maps was one of them, specifically the Arnold font. Another one was Tolkien from #79 Paer Lindstroem BW Overland, and Worn Manuscript Rough from #74 Perspective Buildings.

    I found all the missing fonts in the Fonts folder within the Profantasy/CC3 folder, but when I tried to copy them into my system folder, it told me they were already installed even though they weren't showing in that folder, even after going back after a reboot.
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