Some newb question

I am a beginner with CC3 and have some basic question

I have layer problem I want:
Layer A above layer B
Layer B above layer C
Layer C above layer A

I was trying to put a beach on an island on a river. The best for me would have been to roughly sketch the beach so that the water appear above it and the island under it. Instead i have put the beach above both and try to follow the side of the island to not enlarge it too much and not miss some island that still appear on the beach. I had to do it a lot of time because after clicking the fractal or other effect were making the line move. There must be a simpler way

How can I make something simple like a circle filled with a pattern and a background color. every time I try the circle tool I end up with a donut with the middle not filled with the pattern and the pattern appear inside the line of the circle. Can I control the background color of my circle. Let's say that I make a circle with a roof tile with black selected. This will draw the line in black but I cannot select the color of my tile

Can I control how the pattern appear. By example If I select a bitmap fill stype like a marble image to make step of a stair the marble pattern will be the same for every step instead of creating an impression of randomness at every steps. Or with a circular roof the tile of the roof will be lined up instead of being around the center.


  • Now you're really confusing us.

    By layers, do you mean sheet?

    Sheets in CC3 are what people calls layers in other programs like Photoshop or GIMP.

    You also state layer A above B, B above C and C above A.

    This makes no sense, how can layer C, which is below B appear above A which is above B?

    Even typing that out confuses my poor senses.

    I'm sure we'll eventually be able to help.

    Well, not me of course, I just bought CC3/DD3 less than a week ago.

  • By layers, do you mean sheet? yes.

    I have also the problem where I define a symbol that contain a Fill style properties that is a bitmap file. When I save that symbol in a catalog the bitmap file that fill some part of the symbol is not there anymore when I put it on a map
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