After a ten year hiatus a little help is needed please.

Hi firstly if the questions I ask has been covered before then I sincerely apologise if you could however help then I would truly appreciate it.

As a long term owner of Pro Fantasy Products, i.e. back when it was one product and it came on single three and a quarter floppy disk I should know this. However I have had a small ten year hiatus away from gaming and mapping though I have kept up my ownership of product versions up to date, now having CC3, DD3 and CD3

I appear to have two problems.

1. If I try and select a set of symbols from the symbols tool bar I get an empty symbol catalog settings box i.e. no listed available symbol catalog.

I have followed the instructions on the website help, my version is 3.42

"If the advice above doesn't help, open the catalog by doing File Menu >> Open, access Symbol Manager then select all of the symbols. Click on the Options button & check the box that says Force Sheet. You must type a sheet name into the box (the default is SYMBOLS*). Save the catalog."

This does not appear to have worked.

2. In all the Manuals and tutorial documentation I note that the Symbol catalog tool bar is shown to the left side of the screen, however mine is displayed to the right of the drawing area, with the two right hand tool bars and the colour bar.

Any help or guidance would be useful.




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