Using GIMP with CC* Plans

Is there a tutorial for CC2/DD2 users for GIMP? I have been informed that what I want to do with my old CC2/DD2 plan can easily be done in GIMP. My question is HOW?

Discouraged but hopeful,



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 46 images Cartographer
    There are no specific GIMP tutorials related to CC maps as war as I know, but I don't see why one is needed. GIMP cannot operate on Campaign Cartographer files directly, so to use GIMP on your map means that you need to export it as an image from CC (File -> Save As, choose an image file type from the dropdown, then click the options button to set resolution of the image), and then process the image in GIMP. When you are working on the map image in GIMP, it is just as working with any other image in GIMP, so any GIMP tutorial that covers what you want to do should be appropriate, you don't need something specific for CC.

    Note that you should be able to use any image editing program, so if you own another image editor and know how to use it, it is probably better than trying to learn GIMP.

    I am assuming that you still want to color in the background of your map. If so, look for the filling tool (often called flood fill) to use. Note that it is important that you don't have any holes in your walls, or the fill will come through into your corridors. All editors have some kind of paintbrush tool you can use to fill any such holes however.

    Note that after editing the image in GIMP or any other editor, there is no way to take it back into CC as a map file. You can insert it as a background image, and draw on top of it, but you won't be able to change anything from the image in CC.
  • I hope to avoid painting the image by hand. How do you tell where the holes in your walls are? Is there a tell-tale?

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 46 images Cartographer
    Not any good method as far as I know. You should inspect the map visually while zoomed in a bit, this should help you catch most. You can also draw some solid lines across your entire map, dividing it into sections, then filling the sections one for one. This will allow you to at least know which section a hole is in, making it a bit easier to find. Remember that an exported image is based on pixels, as opposed to a CC3 map, so a hole cannot be smaller than a single pixel, making them a bit more visible.
  • OK, I'll give it a try. Thanks for the help.
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