Tomb of Shaddad (Al-Qadim Encounter)

Hey all...This is a reproduction of a map for the Al-Qadim adventure/encounter “The Genie’s Terror” from the City of Bones sourcebook. The basic story is that the PCs are walking along a wadi (dry desert river basin) when a storm comes (sudden storms in the desert often lead to flash floods which temporarily fill the wadis). The storm has washed away some mud in a nearby cliff face to expose a set of steps descending into the earth. They will soon discover that this is the tomb of a powerful Shi’ar and a dozen shadows.
Its a pretty basic map, but should hopefully make for a fun encounter to break up the monotony of trudging through the desert. Overall I'm pretty happy with it, but not entirely sold on the mud texture I used for the wadi (far left) and inside the tomb...I guess I was hoping for it to look a little more "wet"... as always, criticisms and suggestions are welcomed.
full resolution version can be seen here... (
Its a pretty basic map, but should hopefully make for a fun encounter to break up the monotony of trudging through the desert. Overall I'm pretty happy with it, but not entirely sold on the mud texture I used for the wadi (far left) and inside the tomb...I guess I was hoping for it to look a little more "wet"... as always, criticisms and suggestions are welcomed.
full resolution version can be seen here... (
Also, perhaps add a few small puddles of water to the mud?
But in any case, it's another great map!
Think the mud texture looks ok.
I second Ralfs idea of a few puddles
So, I grabbed a new water texture (from cgtextures). I think it looks a little better...I tried doing puddles, but couldn't get it to look right.
Mat's suggestion for ornamentation is a good one and would work really well with this encounter. If they defeat Shaddad (in mummy form) they can grab his sword ("The Cyclone of the Four Quarters") which is a +2 legendary scimitar (+4 against genies). It also inflicts double damage against genies, makes the wielder immune to their magical attacks, and vibrates when genies approach. So...if I could actually draw a sword, it would make a great ornamentation....but I can't so I won't....
Here's the this version on my blog....
Generally, I think that you need to plan to do ornamentation while doing the map...otherwise it looks like an after thought...which I think is the case here...but I leave it for you guys to judge.
But here it still looks pretty cool.
Espcially if you known that the "boss treasure" is a legendary scimitar.