Copyright Notice Question

Hello all,
I recently purchased a copy of FT3, CC3, DD3, and CD3. I'm having a blast playing with them at the moment, but I have a question concerning making a new overland map in CC3. I didn't notice at the time that I started playing with it, but when you begin the new map wizard, there's a place to put a copyright notice.

My question is where does that information go, and is it editable after the initial wizard step? I haven't been able to locate it anywhere on the map itself, or in any of the metadata for it located in the Windows file properties. It doesn't look like it prints out, at least not on the print preview. I've checked in the help file and it doesn't really discuss it, nor have I seen anything in the manuals about it. It's not a giant big deal, but I'd rather not forget to put it in and then wind up with a map that I made with someone else's copyright on it.



  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Like the map title, the copyright notice is a symbol with a text attribute. It can't easily be changed after you've added it, but you can simply delete it and replace it with your own text. It's just like any other map entity or piece of text, if it doesn't show, it won't print or export either.
  • So, to make sure I understand correctly, if I don't designate it to a portion of the map (like the compass rose or the scale bar) it isn't embedded anywhere in the map or it's properties. Thank you very much for the information!
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    Ralf, are you saying that the copyright notice is more than just a simple text entity?
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Yes, it is not a standard text entity. It is a symbol with a text attribute. If you place such a symbol into the map, CC3 asks you for the text the attribute should become in this symbol instance (useful for example for city symbols with an attached label). For the map title and copyright notice entries, CC3 does this in the background when the map is created, filling the attributes with the text you entered in the new map wizard.

    Text attributes are especially useful in CAD and as such included in CC3. They don't see that much use though. Cosmo 3 has a number of planet and star symbols that make use of them.
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    Wow, cool! Thanks for explaining that.

  • 9 months later
  • Arise, long dead thread!!

    Hello, it's RedSatyr again, and I have another question on the copyright notice, so I am breathing life into this topic once again (since I couldn't find anything else related to it)

    I purchased a copy of the Tome of Ultimate Mapping and finally got the chance to start working my way through it. One thing I've noticed, though, is that when I make a new map, someone else's name appears in the copyright portion of the map wizard. Is there a way to set that permanently to my name and the current year (or make it blank)? I assume there has to be a way, since the name that is popping up now is in there. I've searched the documentation, and can't seem to find anything on it, either there or in the forums.


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    It should remember the last text you put in there, so if you set it to your name once, it should contain that the next time you make a map.
  • Well, I don't know what I've been doing wrong for the majority of the last year, but you appear to be correct...Every time I've opened something, it had someone else's name on it, even though I have put my name in it several times. Now I feel like maybe I took a side trip to crazytown at some point...LOL.... I turned off the computer, rebooted and checked to make sure that it didn't revert back to the old name, and it hasn't yet. Thank you very much for setting me straight!
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